Moustash is a project which permit to have a scalable notification system. Moustash is 3 parts project
##Cuir Cuir is a port prober which send messages to logstash broker
##Fouet Fouet is an event listener for supervisor, which send a message to a broker each time the status of a process change
##PanPan PanPan is a cli notifier which use the same modules than Cuir and Fouet
Moustash is based on Logstash :
The principle is to have a fast, scalable and easy to install deployment system
Right now,Moustash just support Redis, RabbitMQ wil lcome soon
Just clone this repo, then create the good rep for moustash config file mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/moustash/
, then create your config file for moustash $EDITOR /usr/local/etc/moustash/moustash.ini
. You have some examples in the examples folder.
###Cuir Cuir can be easily use with supervisord :
command=/usr/local/bin/python /srv/Moustash/moustash/
###Fouet Fouet is an event listener, so he need a special config in supervisor :
command=/usr/local/bin/python /srv/Moustash/moustash/
###Panpan Panpan doesn't need any installation : he is just an executable
##Configuration There is a common configuration file. Because I am a BSD man, I think it's a good idea to put it in /usr/local/etc/moustash/ . But do as you want...
###Moustash moustash section is the most important : it define which broker you want to, and what are there parameters
- transport : can be redis or rabbitmq
If redis
- redis_ip : Defaults localhost.
- redis_port : Defaults 6379.
- redis_db : Defaults 0.
- redis_namespace : Default logstash:moustash. Redis key namespace
If RabbitMQ
- rabbitmq_host: Defaults localhost. Host for RabbitMQ
- rabbitmq_port: Defaults 5672. Port for RabbitMQ
- rabbitmq_vhost: Default /
- rabbitmq_username: Default guest
- rabbitmq_password: Default guest
- rabbitmq_queue: Default logstash-queue.
- rabbitmq_key: Default logstash-key.
- rabbitmq_exchange: Default logstash-exchange.
For the future :
- rabbitmq_ssl: Defaults 0. Connect using SSL/TLS
- rabbitmq_ssl_key: Optional. Defaults None. Path to client private key for SSL/TLS
- rabbitmq_ssl_cert: Optional. Defaults None. Path to client certificate for SSL/TLS
- rabbitmq_ssl_cacert: Optional. Defaults None. Path to CA certificate for SSL/TLS
- rabbitmq_queue_durable: Default 0.
- rabbitmq_exchange_type: Default direct.
- rabbitmq_exchange_durable: Default 0.
###Cuir The configuration of Cuir section is very simple : one of the parameter can be Interval (Default is 5 seconds). This interval is how many seconds you will wait between 2 probes
Then you have the configuration of the probes. It's a very simple syntax :
Program: ip:port:informations
###Fouet Fouet doesn't need any parameter, except the Moustash's parameters
###Panpan Panpan doesn't need any parameter too...
{"tags": ["test"], "@version": 1, "@timestamp": "2014-05-25T17:01:33.062Z", "host": "", "file": "/var/log/test.log", "message": "toto", "type": "test", "program": "cuir", "source": "moustash"}
date ISO8601
iso_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
supervisor processname:yaws groupname:yaws from_state:STOPPING pid:31773ver:3.0 server:supervisor serial:4 pool:fouet poolserial:4 eventname:PROCESS_STATE_STARTING len:58