Rijkswaterstaat Linked Data Tools
- extracts the DB's schema and generates a prototype ontology templatemkontology
- converts an ontology template to valid OWLmkgraph
- convert a DB to knowledge graph using the supplied OWL ontologymkextra
- enrich supplied knowledge graph with third-party data (eg, geo)mkxrefs
- generate cross references between supplied knowledge graphsmkotl
- generate OTL references in supplied knowledge graphmkmerger
- merge supplied knowledge graphs
Note that
- database schemas and dumps are property of Rijkswaterstaat and are not included
requires restricted Rijkswaterstaat UML diagrams in some casesmkgraph
requires an OWL ontology to function
To generate a schema
$ python mkschema.py --server "<username>:<password>@<host:port>/<database>/<user>" --output <database>.json --datatype_schema datatypes.json
To convert a DB to knowledge graph
$ python mkgraph.py --server "<username>:<password>@<host:port>/<database>/<user>" --area "<X0> <Y0> <X1> <Y1>" --datatype_schema <database>.json --output <database>.ttl