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10 errors and 1 warning
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/mean.jl:47-55
```jldoctest; setup = :(using Survey, StatsBase; apiclus1 = load_data("apiclus1"); dclus1 = SurveyDesign(apiclus1; clusters = :dnum, weights = :pw); bclus1 = dclus1 |> bootweights;)
julia> mean(:api00, bclus1)
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ mean SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 644.169 23.4107
mean(:api00, bclus1)
Evaluated output:
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ mean SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 644.169 23.4107
Expected output:
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ mean SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 644.169 23.4107
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/mean.jl:108-125
```jldoctest meanlabel; setup = :(apiclus1 = load_data("apiclus1"); dclus1 = SurveyDesign(apiclus1; clusters = :dnum, weights = :pw); bclus1 = dclus1 |> bootweights)
julia> mean(:api00, :cname, dclus1)
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean
│ String15 Float64
1 │ Alameda 669.0
2 │ Fresno 472.0
3 │ Kern 452.5
4 │ Los Angeles 647.267
5 │ Mendocino 623.25
6 │ Merced 519.25
7 │ Orange 710.563
8 │ Plumas 709.556
9 │ San Diego 659.436
10 │ San Joaquin 551.189
11 │ Santa Clara 732.077
mean(:api00, :cname, dclus1)
Evaluated output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ mean cname
│ Float64 String
1 │ 669.0 Alameda
2 │ 472.0 Fresno
3 │ 452.5 Kern
4 │ 647.267 Los Angeles
5 │ 623.25 Mendocino
6 │ 519.25 Merced
7 │ 710.563 Orange
8 │ 709.556 Plumas
9 │ 659.436 San Diego
10 │ 551.189 San Joaquin
11 │ 732.077 Santa Clara
Expected output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean
│ String15 Float64
1 │ Alameda 669.0
2 │ Fresno 472.0
3 │ Kern 452.5
4 │ Los Angeles 647.267
5 │ Mendocino 623.25
6 │ Merced 519.25
7 │ Orange 710.563
8 │ Plumas 709.556
9 │ San Diego 659.436
10 │ San Joaquin 551.189
11 │ Santa Clara 732.077
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean
mean cname
│ String15 Float64
Float64 String
1 │ Alameda 669.0
669.0 Alameda
2 │ Fresno 472.0
472.0 Fresno
3 │ Kern 452.5
452.5 Kern
4 │ 647.267 Los Angeles 647.267
5 │ Mendocino 623.25
623.25 Mendocino
6 │ Merced 519.25
519.25 Merced
7 │ Orange 710.563
710.563 Orange
8 │ Plumas 709.556
709.556 Plumas
9 │ 659.436 San Diego 659.436
10 │ 551.189 San Joaquin 551.189
11 │ 732.077 Santa Clara 732.077Clara
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/mean.jl:128-145
```jldoctest meanlabel
julia> mean(:api00, :cname, bclus1)
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean SE
│ String15 Float64 Float64
1 │ Santa Clara 732.077 58.2169
2 │ San Diego 659.436 2.66703
3 │ Merced 519.25 2.28936e-15
4 │ Los Angeles 647.267 47.6233
5 │ Orange 710.563 2.19826e-13
6 │ Fresno 472.0 1.13687e-13
7 │ Plumas 709.556 1.26058e-13
8 │ Alameda 669.0 1.27527e-13
9 │ San Joaquin 551.189 2.1791e-13
10 │ Kern 452.5 0.0
11 │ Mendocino 623.25 1.09545e-13
mean(:api00, :cname, bclus1)
Evaluated output:
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ mean SE cname
│ Float64 Float64 String
1 │ 732.077 58.2169 Santa Clara
2 │ 659.436 2.66703 San Diego
3 │ 519.25 2.28936e-15 Merced
4 │ 647.267 47.6233 Los Angeles
5 │ 710.563 2.19826e-13 Orange
6 │ 472.0 1.13687e-13 Fresno
7 │ 709.556 1.26058e-13 Plumas
8 │ 669.0 1.27527e-13 Alameda
9 │ 551.189 2.18162e-13 San Joaquin
10 │ 452.5 0.0 Kern
11 │ 623.25 1.09545e-13 Mendocino
Expected output:
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean SE
│ String15 Float64 Float64
1 │ Santa Clara 732.077 58.2169
2 │ San Diego 659.436 2.66703
3 │ Merced 519.25 2.28936e-15
4 │ Los Angeles 647.267 47.6233
5 │ Orange 710.563 2.19826e-13
6 │ Fresno 472.0 1.13687e-13
7 │ Plumas 709.556 1.26058e-13
8 │ Alameda 669.0 1.27527e-13
9 │ San Joaquin 551.189 2.1791e-13
10 │ Kern 452.5 0.0
11 │ Mendocino 623.25 1.09545e-13
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname mean SE
SE cname
│ String15 Float64 Float64
Float64 String
1 │ Santa Clara 732.077 58.2169
58.2169 Santa Clara
2 │ San Diego 659.436 2.66703
2.66703 San Diego
3 │ Merced 519.25 2.28936e-15
2.28936e-15 Merced
4 │ Los Angeles 647.267 47.6233
47.6233 Los Angeles
5 │ Orange 710.563 2.19826e-13
2.19826e-13 Orange
6 │ Fresno 472.0 1.13687e-13
1.13687e-13 Fresno
7 │ Plumas 709.556 1.26058e-13
1.26058e-13 Plumas
8 │ Alameda 669.0 1.27527e-13
1.27527e-13 Alameda
9 │ San Joaquin 551.189 2.1791e-13
2.18162e-13 San Joaquin
10 │ Kern 452.5 0.0
0.0 Kern
11 │ Mendocino 623.25 1.09545e-131.09545e-13 Mendocino
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/quantile.jl:51-59
```jldoctest; setup = :(using Survey, StatsBase; apisrs = load_data("apisrs"); srs = SurveyDesign(apisrs; weights=:pw); bsrs = srs |> bootweights;)
julia> quantile(:api00, bsrs, 0.5)
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 659.0 14.9764
quantile(:api00, bsrs, 0.5)
Evaluated output:
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 659.0 14.9764
Expected output:
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 659.0 14.9764
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/quantile.jl:141-158
```jldoctest meanlabel; setup = :(using Survey, StatsBase; apiclus1 = load_data("apiclus1"); dclus1 = SurveyDesign(apiclus1; clusters = :dnum, weights = :pw); bclus1 = dclus1 |> bootweights;)
julia> quantile(:api00, :cname, dclus1, 0.5)
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile cname
│ Float64 String15
1 │ 669.0 Alameda
2 │ 474.5 Fresno
3 │ 452.5 Kern
4 │ 628.0 Los Angeles
5 │ 616.5 Mendocino
6 │ 519.5 Merced
7 │ 717.5 Orange
8 │ 699.0 Plumas
9 │ 657.0 San Diego
10 │ 542.0 San Joaquin
11 │ 718.0 Santa Clara
quantile(:api00, :cname, dclus1, 0.5)
Evaluated output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile cname
│ Float64 String
1 │ 669.0 Alameda
2 │ 474.5 Fresno
3 │ 452.5 Kern
4 │ 628.0 Los Angeles
5 │ 616.5 Mendocino
6 │ 519.5 Merced
7 │ 717.5 Orange
8 │ 699.0 Plumas
9 │ 657.0 San Diego
10 │ 542.0 San Joaquin
11 │ 718.0 Santa Clara
Expected output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile cname
│ Float64 String15
1 │ 669.0 Alameda
2 │ 474.5 Fresno
3 │ 452.5 Kern
4 │ 628.0 Los Angeles
5 │ 616.5 Mendocino
6 │ 519.5 Merced
7 │ 717.5 Orange
8 │ 699.0 Plumas
9 │ 657.0 San Diego
10 │ 542.0 San Joaquin
11 │ 718.0 Santa Clara
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ 0.5th percentile cname
│ Float64 String15
1 │ 669.0 Alameda
2 │ 474.5 Fresno
3 │ 452.5 Kern
4 │ 628.0 Los Angeles
5 │ 616.5 Mendocino
6 │ 519.5 Merced
7 │ 717.5 Orange
8 │ 699.0 Plumas
9 │ 657.0 San Diego
10 │ 542.0 San Joaquin
11 │ 718.0 Santa Clara
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/total.jl:98-115
```jldoctest totallabel; setup = :(using Survey; apiclus1 = load_data("apiclus1"); dclus1 = SurveyDesign(apiclus1; clusters = :dnum, weights = :pw); bclus1 = dclus1 |> bootweights;)
julia> total(:api00, :cname, dclus1)
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname total
│ String15 Float64
1 │ Alameda 249080.0
2 │ Fresno 63903.1
3 │ Kern 30631.5
4 │ Los Angeles 3.2862e5
5 │ Mendocino 84380.6
6 │ Merced 70300.2
7 │ Orange 3.84807e5
8 │ Plumas 2.16147e5
9 │ San Diego 1.2276e6
10 │ San Joaquin 6.90276e5
11 │ Santa Clara 6.44244e5
total(:api00, :cname, dclus1)
Evaluated output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ total cname
│ Float64 String
1 │ 249080.0 Alameda
2 │ 63903.1 Fresno
3 │ 30631.5 Kern
4 │ 3.2862e5 Los Angeles
5 │ 84380.6 Mendocino
6 │ 70300.2 Merced
7 │ 3.84807e5 Orange
8 │ 2.16147e5 Plumas
9 │ 1.2276e6 San Diego
10 │ 6.90276e5 San Joaquin
11 │ 6.44244e5 Santa Clara
Expected output:
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname total
│ String15 Float64
1 │ Alameda 249080.0
2 │ Fresno 63903.1
3 │ Kern 30631.5
4 │ Los Angeles 3.2862e5
5 │ Mendocino 84380.6
6 │ Merced 70300.2
7 │ Orange 3.84807e5
8 │ Plumas 2.16147e5
9 │ San Diego 1.2276e6
10 │ San Joaquin 6.90276e5
11 │ Santa Clara 6.44244e5
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
11×2 DataFrame
Row │ cname total
total cname
│ String15 Float64
Float64 String
1 │ Alameda 249080.0
249080.0 Alameda
2 │ Fresno 63903.1
│ 63903.1 Fresno
3 │ Kern 30631.5
│ 30631.5 Kern
4 │ │ 3.2862e5 Los Angeles 3.2862e5
5 │ Mendocino 84380.6
│ 84380.6 Mendocino
6 │ Merced 70300.2
│ 70300.2 Merced
7 │ Orange 3.84807e5
│ 3.84807e5 Orange
8 │ Plumas 2.16147e5
│ 2.16147e5 Plumas
9 │ │ 1.2276e6 San Diego 1.2276e6
10 │ │ 6.90276e5 San Joaquin 6.90276e5
11 │ │ 6.44244e5 Santa Clara 6.44244e5Clara
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/total.jl:118-135
```jldoctest totallabel
julia> total(:api00, :cname, bclus1)
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname total SE
│ String15 Float64 Float64
1 │ Santa Clara 6.44244e5 4.2273e5
2 │ San Diego 1.2276e6 8.62727e5
3 │ Merced 70300.2 71336.3
4 │ Los Angeles 3.2862e5 2.93936e5
5 │ Orange 3.84807e5 3.88014e5
6 │ Fresno 63903.1 64781.7
7 │ Plumas 2.16147e5 2.12089e5
8 │ Alameda 249080.0 2.49228e5
9 │ San Joaquin 6.90276e5 6.81604e5
10 │ Kern 30631.5 30870.3
11 │ Mendocino 84380.6 80215.9
total(:api00, :cname, bclus1)
Evaluated output:
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ total SE cname
│ Float64 Float64 String
1 │ 6.44244e5 4.2273e5 Santa Clara
2 │ 1.2276e6 8.62727e5 San Diego
3 │ 70300.2 71336.3 Merced
4 │ 3.2862e5 2.93936e5 Los Angeles
5 │ 3.84807e5 3.88014e5 Orange
6 │ 63903.1 64781.7 Fresno
7 │ 2.16147e5 2.12089e5 Plumas
8 │ 249080.0 2.49228e5 Alameda
9 │ 6.90276e5 6.81604e5 San Joaquin
10 │ 30631.5 30870.3 Kern
11 │ 84380.6 80215.9 Mendocino
Expected output:
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname total SE
│ String15 Float64 Float64
1 │ Santa Clara 6.44244e5 4.2273e5
2 │ San Diego 1.2276e6 8.62727e5
3 │ Merced 70300.2 71336.3
4 │ Los Angeles 3.2862e5 2.93936e5
5 │ Orange 3.84807e5 3.88014e5
6 │ Fresno 63903.1 64781.7
7 │ Plumas 2.16147e5 2.12089e5
8 │ Alameda 249080.0 2.49228e5
9 │ San Joaquin 6.90276e5 6.81604e5
10 │ Kern 30631.5 30870.3
11 │ Mendocino 84380.6 80215.9
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
11×3 DataFrame
Row │ cname total SE
SE cname
│ String15 Float64 Float64
Float64 String
1 │ Santa Clara │ 6.44244e5 4.2273e5
4.2273e5 Santa Clara
2 │ San Diego │ 1.2276e6 8.62727e5
8.62727e5 San Diego
3 │ Merced │ 70300.2 71336.3
71336.3 Merced
4 │ Los Angeles │ 3.2862e5 2.93936e5
2.93936e5 Los Angeles
5 │ Orange │ 3.84807e5 3.88014e5
3.88014e5 Orange
6 │ Fresno │ 63903.1 64781.7
64781.7 Fresno
7 │ Plumas │ 2.16147e5 2.12089e5
2.12089e5 Plumas
8 │ Alameda 249080.0 2.49228e5
2.49228e5 Alameda
9 │ San Joaquin │ 6.90276e5 6.81604e5
6.81604e5 San Joaquin
10 │ Kern │ 30631.5 30870.3
30870.3 Kern
11 │ Mendocino │ 84380.6 80215.980215.9 Mendocino
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/bootstrap.jl:88-98
```jldoctest; setup = :(using Survey, StatsBase, DataFrames; apiclus1 = load_data("apiclus1"); dclus1 = SurveyDesign(apiclus1; clusters = :dnum, weights = :pw); bclus1 = dclus1 |> bootweights;)
julia> mean(df::DataFrame, column, weights) = StatsBase.mean(df[!, column], StatsBase.weights(df[!, weights]));
julia> stderr(:api00, mean, bclus1)
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ estimator SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 644.169 23.4107
stderr(:api00, mean, bclus1)
Evaluated output:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint})(::Symbol, ::typeof(mean), ::ReplicateDesign{BootstrapReplicates})
[1] top-level scope
@ none:1
Expected output:
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint})(::Symbol, ::typeof(mean), ::ReplicateDesign{BootstrapReplicates})
[1] top-level scope
@ none:1
doctest failure in ~/work/Survey.jl/Survey.jl/src/jackknife.jl:97-107
```jldoctest; setup = :(using Survey, StatsBase, DataFrames; apistrat = load_data("apistrat"); dstrat = SurveyDesign(apistrat; strata=:stype, weights=:pw); rstrat = jackknifeweights(dstrat);)
julia> mean(df::DataFrame, column, weights) = StatsBase.mean(df[!, column], StatsBase.weights(df[!, weights]));
julia> stderr(:api00, mean, rstrat)
1×2 DataFrame
Row │ estimator SE
│ Float64 Float64
1 │ 662.287 9.53613
stderr(:api00, mean, rstrat)
Evaluated output:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint})(::Symbol, ::typeof(mean), ::ReplicateDesign{JackknifeReplicates})
[1] top-level scope
@ none:1
Expected output:
diff =
Warning: Diff output requires color.
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching (::IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint})(::Symbol, ::typeof(mean), ::ReplicateDesign{JackknifeReplicates})
[1] top-level scope
@ none:1
could not evaluate expression from doctest setup.
expression = :($(Expr(:toplevel, :(using Survey, StatsBase, GLM), :(#= none:1 =#), :(apisrs = load_data("apisrs")), :(#= none:1 =#), :(srs = SurveyDesign(apisrs)), :(#= none:1 =#), :(bsrs = bootweights(srs, replicates = 2000)))))
exception =
ArgumentError: Package GLM not found in current path.
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("GLM")` to install the GLM package.
The following actions uses node12 which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node16: actions/checkout@v2. For more info: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-06-13-github-actions-all-actions-will-run-on-node16-instead-of-node12-by-default/