A minimalist weather forecasting site, featuring a five day forecast, the current phases of the moon, and the daily sunrise and sunset times. View the live project here.
Project Focus
- Practice using async and await, promises, XML HttpRequests, and APIs.
This was a fun and simple project. I had an idea for what I wanted it to look like and made a dummy in InDesign before starting. That was the first time I'd done that, and it was a much easier approach than trying to iterate a design in CSS.
My biggest challenge was figuring out how to add a moon phase calendar into the site. I was really happy that I was able to figure out how to integrate a tool made by someone else and also convert an XML HttpRequest to a promise, as I'd been practicing.
Weather Data: Open Weather Phases of the Moon: WDisseny
Potential future updates
- As you mouse over days show more information about the weather (humidity, uvi, etc.)
- Move the sunrise and sunset to correspond to the length of the day
- As you hover over the days, change the sunrise and sunset times and move the suns in the desktop + tablet version
- Add functionality to deal with mistyped or not found place names