Xuefeng LIU
First version: 2018/09/26
- The codes run on latest MATLAB environment along with INTLAB toolbox (http://www.ti3.tu-harburg.de/rump/intlab/).
- Since Octave does not supply ldl function for indefinite symmetric matrix, the rigorous evaluation is not available for Octave.
Edit my_intlab_mode_config.m to configure the computing environment.
%The path of the codes for switch between verified computing and approximate computing.
%The path of the library of verified eigenvalue estimation for matrix.
%The path of INTLAB toolbox and initialization.
%INTERVAL_MODE=1; for rigorous computing based on interval arithmetic.
%INTERVAL_MODE=0; for approximate computing with rounding error inside.
Remeber to run "my_intlab_mode_config" before other codes.
For the purpose of rigorous computation, please run the code in MATLAB along with the INTLAB toolbox.
The code has two running mode: approximate evaluation and verified evaluation.
To swith between each other, please set the value of INTERVAL_MODE.
- INTERVAL_MODE=0: approximate computation mode.
- INTERVAL_MODE=1: verified computation mode. It takes longer time that approximate computation mode. So be careful with the mesh size, which should not be too small. (To start around h=1/16 is recommended.)
A sample usage can be found in main.m.