A Python 3 program I wrote to practise with the Pillow library.
PaletteRipper is a script which analyses an image and outputs a colour palette from it. The quality of the colour palette as well as the number of colours are dependent on the individual parameters given.
Modes: --fullset --> Isolates all unique colours and reassembles them in a new image.
--simplified --> Chooses the most common colours and reassembles them in a new image.
[QUALITY] --> The number of times to divide the picture width and height by. A higher number corresponds to fewer colours. This is used when --fullset is chosen.
Essentially, if you have a larger number, the picture will be shrunk further by that scale factor and the colour generated will be lesser. Use 1 for maximum quality.
SORTED (Y/N) --> Determines whether the full palette should be sorted. Only works for --fullset.
NUMBER --> The maximum number of colours to put in the new image. Note that this may not be possible for large numbers. This is used when --simplified is chosen.
INPUTFILE --> The name of the picture to extract the colour palette from.
OUTPUTFILE --> The name of the picture where the colour palette will be placed. Please save as PNG to avoid compression.
Original Image:
Photo by Denis Degioanni on Unsplash
Full set with highest quality (QUALITY = 1) sorted:
Full set with QUALITY = 5 sorted:
Full set with highest quality (QUALITY = 1) unsorted:
Simplified Set with 15 colours (each colour is one pixel in size):