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Q Learner

Q learning algorithm implemented using python.

Grid Game Overview

The grid game is a strategic simulation game played on an adjustable grid, with the default size being 2 rows by 3 columns. In this game, a player navigates to collect a coin while minimizing movement costs. The game showcases basic concepts of reinforcement learning through the use of a Q-learning algorithm.

Game Rules and Mechanics

Board Layout:

  • The default board consists of two rows and three columns, but the size is adjustable based on user preference.
  • The player starts from any position in the bottom row and aims to reach the top row where a coin is placed at the beginning of each game.


  • The player has several movement options:
    • Up: Moves the player one square up vertically at no cost.
    • Up+Left: Moves the player one square up and one square to the left diagonally, costing 1 cent.
    • Up+Right: Moves the player one square up and one square to the right diagonally, also costing 1 cent.
  • The available moves are restricted by the board's edges, preventing movement outside the grid.


  • Primary Objective: The player's main goal is to collect the coin located in the top row.
  • Secondary Objective: Minimize the cost of movements while attempting to collect the coin.

Game Play:

  • The game initiates with the player's position randomly selected in the bottom row and the coin always placed in the top row.
  • The player selects moves based on the current situation, aiming to maximize rewards (coin collection) and minimize costs (movement costs).
  • The game concludes when the player reaches the top row or when no further moves are possible from the current position.


  • The player earns a reward of 10 cents for collecting the coin.
  • Each diagonal movement incurs a cost of 1 cent.
  • The game's final score is the net result of subtracting the total movement costs from the coins collected during the game.

Learning Component:

  • A Q-learning algorithm is used to learn optimal strategies over multiple plays.
  • A Q-table records expected future rewards for each action at each state, guiding decision-making.
  • The Q-table is updated after each move based on the received reward and estimated future rewards, demonstrating principles of reinforcement learning.


This grid game serves as an educational tool to illustrate the principles of Q-learning, a form of reinforcement learning, in a straightforward and interactive manner. It allows players and observers to understand how decisions are influenced and refined based on past experiences, providing a clear example of how artificial intelligence can learn and adapt to achieve specific objectives in a controlled environment.

Game example:

Printout of one game from initial state to the final state when player reach the top row, in each state we show the player position (P), the coin position (C) and the action.

State: ((5, 3), (0, 0)), Action: up
C| | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | |P| | 

State: ((4, 3), (0, 0)), Action: up+left
C| | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | |P| | 
 | | | | | 

State: ((3, 2), (0, 0)), Action: up+left
C| | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | |P| | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 

State: ((2, 1), (0, 0)), Action: up
C| | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 |P| | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 

State: ((1, 1), (0, 0)), Action: up+left
C| | | | | 
 |P| | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 

State: ((1, 1), (0, 0)), Action: up+left
P| | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 
 | | | | | 

Final State: ((0, 0), (0, 0)), Coin Collected: True, Score: 7


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