An Acorn package for managing user roles in WordPress.
- Configure: Define custom roles and capabilities with a configuration file.
- (Re)Create: Insert roles into the database with a single wp-cli command.
- Clone roles: Quickly set up new roles based on existing ones.
- Delete roles: Remove any roles that you don’t need.
See config for all configuration options.
Install this package with Composer:
composer require yard/wp-user-roles
Run the Acorn WP-CLI command to discover this package:
wp acorn package:discover
Publish the config file with:
wp acorn vendor:publish --provider="Yard\UserRoles\UserRolesServiceProvider"
Run WP-CLI command to create roles:
Single site:
wp acorn roles:create
In a multisite:
wp site list --field=url | xargs -n1 -I % wp acorn roles:create --url=%