Try Out Supabase DataBase using PHP & PDO
- Create a config file for the connection
$host= ''; $dbname = 'postgres'; $username = 'postgres'; $password = 'password';
- Then create a pgql string for the connection:
$dsn = "pgsql:host=$host;port=5432;dbname=$dbname;user=$username;password=$password";
- Try and catch your connection:
try { $pdo = new PDO($dsn); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); } catch (PDOException $e) { echo 'Connection Error: ' . $e->getMessage(); exit; }
- Then create a pgql string for the connection:
One of the common errors you would be facing is popping up Client PDO not found
We solved this issue by installing a database driver and within the PDO.
First of all navigate to your php.ini file in
(if PHP was installed using Homebrew) on MacOS -
Uncomment out
by removing ; in front of the them:MYSQL extension=pdo_mysql extension=mysqli POSTGRESQL extension=pdo_pgsql extension=pgsql
If you are using fedora distro as me
sudo dnf install php-pgsql
Other common Linux distro
sudo apt-get install php-pgsql
- for windows users
- Windows Mysql
- installation & setup guide
- Linux Mysql
- installation & setup guide
- Mac Mysql
- installation & setup guide
- Windows Mysql
atabase: cakecove
username: fushia
password: Password123#@!