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Multi Camera 3D Human Reconstruction -
Reconstructing 3D from 2D

This is my implementation of Stereo Camera Reconstruction using DLT (Direct Linear Transform), Triangulation with Linear/Non-Linear Optimization through Python.

Stereo Reconstruction Final Results

  • Red points indicate the 2D reprojection of the reconstructed 3D points.
  • Green points indicate the 2D points found by MATLAB's Camera Calibrator.
  • The "ON" sign in green indicates that the checkerboard points have been detected with MATLAB's calibrator. There must be at least 2 cameras with "ON" sign in order to reconstruct 3D points.
  • The "Frame Error" indicates the average reprojection error (Euclidean distance) of points of the reconstructed 3D points.

Stereo Reconstruction Final Results

  • Green joints indicate the 2D reprojection of the reconstructed 3D joints.
  • Orange joints indicate the 2D joints found by openpose.
  • The "Frame Reprojection Error" indicates the average reprojection error (Euclidean distance) of points of the reconstructed 3D joints.

Environment Setup

Note: This code was developed on Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 with Python 3.7. Later versions should work, but have not been tested. Create and activate a virtual environment to work in, e.g. using Conda:

conda create -n venv_stereo python=3.7
conda activate venv_stereo

Install the remaining requirements with pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You must also have ffmpeg installed on your system to save visualizations.

I have used 5 GOPRO10 cameras for this task. If you are using more or less cameras, you need to modify the DLT, optimization code.

MATLAB Stereo Camera Calibrator Application (Optional)

  • This repo uses MATLAB for camera calibration and checkerboard point detection. You may use other methods for calibration (eg. OpenCV, COLMAP, Visual SFM).
  • In MATLAB, install the Computer Vision Toolbox and you will find the Camera Calibrator, and the Stereo Camera Calibrator.
  • The Stereo Camera Calibrator is capable of finding both the extrinsics and intrinsics of the camera. However, I found that the Camera Calibrator gives more stable results for finding the camera intrinsic parameters. I highly recommend you to use both tools for calibration.

Finding the Intrinsics

  • It is recommended to use more than 20 checkerboard images using the Camera Calibrator app.
  • The app lets you remove the outliers, if a reprojection of a image is too big (larger than 5), remove the outliers and re-run the calibration process.

Detected checkerboard points, reprojected points

Removing outliers, refined results

Finding the Extrinsics

  • It is recommended to use more than 20 matching pair of images.
  • Taking a video, extracting frames, and manually selecting pairs of images may be helpful in increasing the accuracy.
  • Make sure that the cameras are synchronized. If the camera does not offer synchronization, one solution may be to place a digital clock in the back of the scene and check the time while manaully selecting stereo pairs of images.

Pair of images at Camera 1 and Camera 2

MATLAB's extrinsic parameter visualizer

  • I've manually coded a way to visualize camera parameters. To use the code, modify the extrinsic camera parameters in the file visualizer/

Visualization of camera extrinsics using my implemented visualizer


  • OpenPose is used to detect 2D joints from arbitrary RGB videos.
  • Please install OpenPose and run it on your undistorted image frames to locate the 2D keypoints.
  • Before running OpenPose, make sure that the input images are undistorted. There is a MATLAB code in the repo undistort_image.m that undistort images. Just modify the camera parameters and the structure of the folder directory and you will be set to go.
  • For the format of the output pose, this code is based on the "BODY_25" format, please add the --model_pose BODY_25 flags in order to match the format of the output .json files used in this repo.
  • The output .json file should look something like:
    {"version":1.3,"people":[{"person_id":[-1],"pose_keypoints_2d":[2055.39,265.531,0.874508,2267.43,542.444,0.678595,2190.91,559.855,0.566347,2037.84,865.877,0.602067,1766.9,772.016,0.519303,2326.48,542.172,0.704926,2055.42,901.382,0.770255 ... ]}

Triangulation & Optimization (Checkerboard)

  • Triangulating 3D keypoints can be done in two different ways; with Direct Linear Transform(DLT) or with Non-Linear Optimization(NL)
  • Using NL provides qualitatively and quantitavely suprior results.
  • You first need to obtain the original checkerboard keypoints. There is a MATLAB file matlab/detect_points.m that does this for you. You may use other methods such as OpenCV's findCheckerboardCorners function. MATLAB seemed to produce finer results but you can choose any method as long as you can retrieve the (x,y) coordinates of the checkerboard keypoints.
  • Triangulation with Non-Linear Optimization: python
  • Running the code will output a new set of images with the reprojected 3D checkerboard keypoints and the original detected keypoints from MATLAB. It will also keep track of reconstructed 3D keypoint with coordinates (x,y,z) with the reprojection error in the format of a numpy array in the output_3d folder.
  • To visualize cameras simultaneously with the error use: python utils/
    Then use ffmpeg to stitch the frames into a single video. An example code would be:
    ffmpeg -f image2 -i concat/%d_concat.jpg result.mp4

Visualizing reprojected 3D points, error

Triangulation & Optimization (OpenPose)

  • Some modification from the checkerboard code fit to optimize OpenPose keypoints.
  • python
    python utils/

Visualizing reprojected 3D points, error

Parallel Processing (Optional)

  • Running the code with Python's Multiprocessing library reads/writes the images in a faster speed. For processing around 2000 frames of resolution (5568x4176), I've reduced running time from 6hrs 28 minutes to 31 minutes.
  • I've added multiple "Processes" which allows the code to use all of my 16 CPU cores (vs 4 cores before).
  • Run Parallel Processing with: python
  • Due to the structure, use this option when you want to save the frames. This code will not produce correct results for the files in output_3d
  • Best way is to comment out the OpenCV code for reading and writing images in and obtaining only the reprojection error and the optimized keypoints. Once you have the correct errors and keypoints stored into a numpy array, you can run parallel processing to speed up the process.


Stereo Reconstruction






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