Many text clipboards for your windows. You will might to make buffers, until keys on your keyboard end!
For copy
- Press keys combination "LCtrl + C"
- After appearance message "Bind any key for buffer", press any key, except "Esc".
- Text copied!
For paste
- Press keys combination "LCtrl + V"
- After appearance message "Press binded key", press key, which you binded on time copy
- Text pasted!
For canceling
- If you pressed keys combination "LCtrl + C" or "LCtrl + V", but you don't want continues this, press "Esc" for cancel.
Context menu buffer
- Text, which you copied by context menu, binded "Space" key.
- Every time you paste text with context menu text which you copied or pasted last time will be pasted.
You will might to make buffers, until keys on your keyboard end!
Enjoy =)