This project is a graphical user interface (GUI) built using Tkinter, a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. The GUI allows users to perform various image processing operations on images loaded from the file system. The design for the GUI was created using Tkinter Designer, with the initial design prototype generated in Figma. Features
Image Loading: Load images from your local file system.
Grayscale Conversion: Convert color images to grayscale.
Image Rotation: Rotate images by a specified angle.
Noise Addition: Add Gaussian noise to images.
Histogram Visualization: Display histograms of loaded images.
Image Filtering: Apply median filtering to images.
Thresholding: Convert images to binary based on a threshold value.
Histogram Equalization: Enhance image contrast using histogram equalization.
Constant Addition: Add a constant value to pixel intensities.
Negative Transformation: Obtain the negative of images.
Save Processed Images: Save processed images back to your local file system.
Usage download Tkinter-designer file from Install the required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. creat you figme design or copy mine ( Clone the repository to your local machine. Run the script to launch the Tkinter GUI. Use the provided buttons to perform various image processing operations.