A simple weather application built using Tkinter and various APIs to fetch and display current weather information for a specified city. The app includes a loading animation while fetching data.
- Fetch current weather data based on city name
- Display temperature, weather condition, wind speed, humidity, description, and pressure
- Show local time of the city
- Loading animation while fetching data
- Python 3.x
- pip (Python package installer)
git clone https://github.com/your-username/weather-app.git cd weather-app Required API Keys
OpenWeatherMap API Key: Sign up at OpenWeatherMap to get your API key.
Geopy API Key: No API key is required for Geopy by default.
Replace the placeholder API key in the weatherAPP.py file with your actual OpenWeatherMap API key:API_KEY = "your_openweathermap_api_key"
Run the application using the following command:python weatherAPP.py
Loading Animation
Ensure that the spin.gif file is located in the same directory as the weatherAPP.py file.