This is a opinionated starter project for building fast ⚡️ HTML + CSS + JS apps for modern browsers.
- Preact : Light & Fast version of React ⚛️
- TypeScript : Strongly type your JavaScript 🚨
- Vitest : Unit test your components ⚡️
- Playwright : End to end testing on any browser 🎭
- Storybook : Test your UI components in isolation. 📖
- ViteJS : Lightning fast web server for development 🧑💻 and optimized build for production 📦
- Prettier : format code on save and save your energy 🔋
- Eslint : Analyse your code and quickly find issues 🐛
- Clone this repo ✂️
- Install dependencies ⬇️
yarn install
- Start your dev server 🌐
yarn start
- Start coding 🧑💻
Use nvm to install it (strongly recommended):
npm install --global yarn
Big project and slow build time ? Try turborepo:
Tired about waiting for [](Scoped styles) or using BEM naming conventions ?
Vitejs already includes [](CSS Modules) with PostCSS built-in support.
Jest is not fully supported by Vite :
All content is MIT.