use airflow to maintain operation of pipeline and database.
- Tool: Apache Airflow v2.9.1
- Language: Python v3.8
docker compose up -d
setting config/airflow.cfg
smtp_host =
smtp_starttls = True
smtp_ssl = False
smtp_user = [email protected]
smtp_password = pass
smtp_port = 587
smtp_mail_from = [email protected]
Open http://localhost:8080 to run DAGs in UI.
confirm that new data comes in every day in kafka's topic.
- setting variables
bootstrap_servers: localhost:9093
topic_name: topic1
log_file: local log file path to collect errors and send them once.
check all jobs on flink are running every day.
- setting variables
flink_url: localhost:8081
log_file: local log file path to collect errors and send them once.
check the jobs are running normally according to the configuration file yaml every day.
If there are errors, cancel and rerun them.
- setting variables
log_file: local log file path to collect errors and send them once.
- flink_pipeline.yaml
host: http://localhost:8081
- jar_id: xxx_xxx_flink-1.0.jar
- entry_class: com.examples.entry.KafkaToKafka
job_name: kafka(topic-1) -> kafka(topic-2)
- entry_class: com.examples.entry.KafkaToDoris
job_name: kafka(topic-1) -> doris(table-1)
check doris has new data coming in every day.
- setting variables
doris_host: localhost
username: root
password: password
database: database
doris_table: doris_table
doris_timestamp_column: timestamp
log_file: local log file path to collect errors and send them once.
check there is any data in the log file every day. If there is any data in the log file, send an email.
- setting variables
log_file: local log file path to collect errors and send them once.