Quickly set up new component for your project
For consistancy of code style and best practice according to https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/blob/master/a1/README.md
Edit index.js file for your project in the directory path if you do not have node.js install yet, follow instruction: https://nodejs.org/en/
If you do not have yeoman install yet run commond:
npm install -g yo
npm install generator-pressg --save-dev
To Create Controller, Service, Directive, ...(use CamelCase for the component name you want to use, the generator will create dash-directory for you)
Run the commond:
yo pressg <newComponentName>
To Create a child component inside a parent component, Run the commond:
yo pressg <newComponentName> <parentComponentName>
or inside another parent component, Run the commond:
yo pressg <newComponentName> <super-parentComponentName>/<parentComponentName>
##Contact improvement and bug fix [email protected]
##License MIT