Release 0.11.0
Attention: The new support for STOMP retry timeout configuration requires that the main property for it is added to the config file:
stomp_retry_timeout_config: {}
The actual properties under this main property are optional and have reasonable defaults. In case you want to add them specifically, run zhmc_log_forwarder --help-config-file
for showing them.
Changes since 0.10.0:
- Used zhmcclient 1.16.0 (#20) - improved STOMP stability, recovery and logging, see change log
- Support for STOMP retry timeout configuration; improved recovery and logging (#14)
- Improved STOMP exception handling (#13)
- Support for CA cert validation (#10)
- Fixed syslog facility support (#25)
- Dropped support for Python 3.4 (#18)
- Docs: Converted README.rst to Markdown and added Pypi badge (#16)
- Test: Resolved flake8/pylint issues (#25)
- Dev: Added support for make target check_reqs, check, pylint (#21)
- Dev: Added missing .coveragerc file; Added TESTOPTS; Added first unit testcase (#12)
- Dev: Various improvements for development