CozeSharp 是一个用 C# 精心打造的扣子AI智能体控制台客户端。它不仅是一个功能强大的工具,能让您轻松体验扣子AI智能体带来的智能交互乐趣,还可作为学习 C# 编程的优质示例代码。本客户端默认连接 coze.cn 官方服务器,提供稳定可靠的服务。
C# 开发者、AI 爱好者、学习者。
git clone https://github.com/zhulige/coze-sharp.git
- Visual Studio:双击
文件打开项目。 - VS Code:打开项目根目录文件夹。
打开 CozeAgent.cs
private const string TOKEN = "你的Token";
private const string BOT_ID = "你的Bot ID";
private const string USER_ID = "你的User ID";
- Visual Studio:点击“运行”按钮启动项目。
- VS Code:
cd CozeSharp_Test
dotnet run
- 语音交互:支持语音输入,轻松实现人机对话。
- 文字输入:提供灵活的文字交互方式。
- 代码示例:清晰的 C# 代码结构,适合学习和二次开发。
- 稳定连接:默认接入 coze.cn 官方服务器,服务可靠。
- Fork 本仓库。
- 创建您的特性分支 (
git checkout -b feature/YourFeature
)。 - 提交更改 (
git commit -m 'Add YourFeature'
)。 - 推送到分支 (
git push origin feature/YourFeature
)。 - 创建 Pull Request。
本项目采用 MIT 许可证 开源。
有任何问题或建议?请通过 Issues 联系我们,或加入社群讨论!
CozeSharp is a console client for the Coze AI agent, carefully developed in C#. It is not only a powerful tool that allows you to easily experience the intelligent interaction brought by the Coze AI agent but also serves as high - quality sample code for learning C# programming. This client is set to connect to the official coze.cn server by default, providing a stable and reliable service.
Support intelligent conversations with both voice input and text input.
C# developers, AI enthusiasts, and learners.
git clone https://github.com/zhulige/coze-sharp.git
- Visual Studio: Double - click the
file to open the project. - VS Code: Open the root directory folder of the project.
Open the CozeAgent.cs
file and modify the following fields with your personal information:
private const string TOKEN = "Your Token";
private const string BOT_ID = "Your Bot ID";
private const string USER_ID = "Your User ID";
- Visual Studio: Click the "Run" button to start the project.
- VS Code:
cd CozeSharp_Test
dotnet run
After running, you can interact with the Coze AI agent via voice or text. The effect is as follows:
Welcome to join our community to share experiences, offer suggestions, or get help!
## Feature Highlights - **Voice Interaction**: Support voice input for easy human - machine conversation. - **Text Input**: Provide a flexible text interaction method. - **Code Example**: Clear C# code structure, suitable for learning and secondary development. - **Stable Connection**: Connect to the official coze.cn server by default, ensuring reliable service.Welcome to provide suggestions or contribute code to the project! Please follow these steps to participate:
- Fork this repository.
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/YourFeature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add YourFeature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/YourFeature
). - Create a Pull Request.
This project is open - sourced under the MIT License.
Have any questions or suggestions? Please contact us via Issues or join the community discussion!