This is an example project for a Qt Console widget that receives log messages from g3log.
I created a custom g3log sink that sends the logs to the widget. The widget itself (console.hpp & console.cpp) was copied from here and adapted for use with g3log.
The main method:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// create an application
QApplication a(argc, argv);
// create a window:
MainWindow window = MainWindow();;
// start running
return a.exec();
Inside your custom window constructor:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
m_Ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// create a logger
Logger logger = std::make_unique<Logger>(this);
// Create a new Console object
Console console = Console();
// you can also create the logger in the constructor's initializer list,
// but I'm doing it like this to make it easier to understand.
// place the console where you want, for example as the central widget:
// connect the getData signal to the putData method
connect(m_Console, &Console::getData, m_Console, &Console::putData);
// Every time you use g3log's LOG(<LEVEL>) macro,
// it will print the message to both stdout and the GUI console:
LOG(INFO) << "Example";
For a full example on how to create a window with a console, see src/mainwindow.cpp, src/mainwindow.hpp, and src/main.cpp.