Benchmark for Jzab
mvn clean compile assembly:single
You can configure it by creating a configuration file benchmark_config
in root directory of the project. The default configuration is
membersCount = 1
txnSize = 128
txnCount = 1000000
Let's say if you run the benchmark on a cluster of 3 servers.
mvn -DserverId="host1:port1" exec:java
mvn -DserverId="host2:port2" -Djoin="host1:port1" exec:java
mvn -DserverId="host3:port3" -Djoin="host1:port1" exec:java
- Configuration :
- transaction size = 128 bytes
- batch size = 1000
- number of servers = 3
- 3 servers with normal hard disks(not SSD).
- number of transactions = 100000
- Throughput
- 25000 transactions/s