When run from the terminal with an argument for the Project's name it will create the following file system and files.
~$ bash ./new_project.sh example_output
| Index.html
| Img
| | style.scss
| | Base
| | | _index.scss
| | | _normilize.scss
| | | _typography.scss
| | | _images.scss
| | Components
| | | _index.scss
| | | _button.scss
| | | _form.scss
| | | _grid.scss
| | | _navigation.scss
| | Utilities
| | | _index.scss
| | | _functions.scss
| | | _mixins.scss
| | | _variables.scss
It will copy all .scss and .html files to the project/scss/base and project/ directories. Feel free to ass your own stuff or edit those files!
I know this isnt very useful but it was a fun side project to take a break from the html/css/scss and get to know bash a little better.
Hope you found it useful!