Alpha v0.1.0-alpha
Alpha Release - The first release of the Zuri Chat chess board plugin
What's Changed
- Update Readme by @JoshuaMonyei in #175
- Frontend Setup by @thebigbillz in #204
- Typescript express server setup by @lekandev in #209
- Pipeline setup by @tobybrave in #220
- Project Folder Structure Update by @eni4sure in #221
- Switch from Ts to Js by @lekandev in #223
- Revert "Switch from Ts to Js " by @eni4sure in #240
- page folder by @ESE-MONDAY in #242
- added the components folder by @Aarond2018 in #239
- Main by @Generalsoi in #243
- Merge main with dev by @Generalsoi in #246
- Update App.js by @Generalsoi in #244
- folder structure by @ESE-MONDAY in #247
- Dev by @Generalsoi in #248
- Contribution guide update by @eni4sure in #251
- static plugin info endpoint #224 by @juniorbuba in #250
- feat/setup a web on the server by @Alao-Abiodun in #245
- static sidebar endpoints by @tobybrave in #241
- Created a socket event listener 'Player 2 joined' and broadcast the message to the room with the id. by @Caesarsage in #255
- New URL for testing the backend by @eni4sure in #257
- Update the main repo with dev branch by @eni4sure in #258
- Restructured the project folder by @NdubuisiJr in #260
- fixed error in socker id by @NdubuisiJr in #261
- update dev by @eni4sure in #262
- Devop pipeline test by @eni4sure in #263
- update main by @eni4sure in #264
- workflow update test by @eni4sure in #265
- Devop pipeline test by @eni4sure in #266
- workflow update by @eni4sure in #267
- workflow update by @eni4sure in #268
- update dev by @eni4sure in #270
- ft-resources-rest-endpoints-to-create-a-new-game by @Alao-Abiodun in #269
- #234 Add resign socket listener by @Timmy-id in #271
- Backend update and cleanup by @eni4sure in #272
- clean-up and updates by @eni4sure in #273
- update main by @eni4sure in #274
- bug:fix endpoint GET request by @Alao-Abiodun in #275
- update main by @eni4sure in #276
- Plugininfo by @juniorbuba in #277
- new backend structure and cleanup by @eni4sure in #279
- daily deploy by @eni4sure in #280
- removed public static engine and changed /test to inline js by @eni4sure in #281
- update main by @eni4sure in #282
- Implemented "Player 2 Joined Game" feature by @NdubuisiJr in #284
- Completed Player move broadcasting feature by @NdubuisiJr in #286
- Merging dev to main for deployment by @NdubuisiJr in #287
- fixed issue with https by @NdubuisiJr in #288
- update https fix on main branch by @NdubuisiJr in #289
- Game Over broadcast message to the room "game_id" by @JoshuaMonyei in #290
- update workflow for pushes to merge to auto deploy by @eni4sure in #315
- testing dev autodeploy by @eni4sure in #316
- removed dev auto-deploy testing endpoint by @eni4sure in #319
- Merge pull request #321 from zurichat/dev create an search input field where users can search and invite colleagues by @otutukingsley in #322
- Created exit button by @odizee in #324
- Added Mini-board View #328 by @thebigbillz in #330
- FOR CHESSBOARD AND PIECES by @Anita9771 in #334
- Page routing setup with react router by @lekandev in #335
- fix router setup by @lekandev in #342
- revert router setup by @lekandev in #345
- congratulations modal button component by @otinomz in #340
- Built Homepage Interface by @vermilion4 in #349
- Spectator sidebar with navigation added by @e-nicholas987 in #352
- implemented the chess piece logic/move by @michael-2509 in #346
- Revert "implemented the chess piece logic/move" by @odizee in #355
- Setup routing to pages with react router by @lekandev in #357
- Added link around boards on home page by @vermilion4 in #360
- Dev by @kenogit78 in #353
- Revert "Dev" by @odizee in #362
- Router linking by @lekandev in #363
- Worked on Player's game page by @Joblyn in #364
- Revert "Worked on Player's game page" by @odizee in #365
- Forfeit modal on player's game page #331 by @Watermelon-Sugar in #366
- Built main game page component by @e-nicholas987 in #367
- Input field for spectators to drop comments by @kenogit78 in #371
- client update on fix, remove fe mistakes by @eni4sure in #372
- workflow update by @eni4sure in #373
- auto-deploy fix by @eni4sure in #374
- db write and read function by @JoshuaMonyei in #368
- Game and Comments Screen by @Joblyn in #376
- fixed not displaying chess board games on homepage by @eni4sure in #377
- implementation of chess piece logic/move by @michael-2509 in #381
- Created the chats components that allows spectators to pass comments while viewing ongoing games. by @Yemi-dev in #382
- implemented prettier workflow by @eni4sure in #383
- View Player Names by @Babsmutini in #384
- yarn lockfile update and formatter workflow update by @eni4sure in #386
- Revamped Homepage and Personalized Styles by @thebigbillz in #392
- an input field for spectators to drop comments by @kenogit78 in #389
- slight css change by @kenogit78 in #395
- Renamed Jsx files to Js and added some style to spectatorSideBar.css by @e-nicholas987 in #394
- Congratulations Modal by @ESE-MONDAY in #399
- Add spare and captured chess pieces by @udosinachi in #391
- Created chat section for spectators. by @Yemi-dev in #402
- Created the chats components that allows spectators to pass comments while viewing an on-going game by @Yemi-dev in #404
- Created a game section for users to watch and switch between games by @amuabigail in #406
- Endpoint to create result by @Alao-Abiodun in #398
- Completed centrifugo implementation by @NdubuisiJr in #408
- Completed the Invitation Modal that where Users can search, then invite other members in the workspace by @Aarond2018 in #409
- fixed styling issue by @Aarond2018 in #412
- Eslint CI workflow check added for frontend PRs by @eni4sure in #413
- Congratulations modal by @ESE-MONDAY in #416
- Issue #403 Create Accept and Decline Game invite Modal by @AugustBemsen in #417
- Forfeit Button in game_comments route by @HayBeeCoder in #429
- accept challenge modal by @chysomm62 in #430
- Created console logging for centrifugo data by @NdubuisiJr in #432
- Built endpoint for retrieving game data by @Emekarr in #420
- Revert "Built endpoint for retrieving game data" by @NdubuisiJr in #436
- Revert "Built endpoint for retrieving game data" by @NdubuisiJr in #438
- update eslint to fix errors if possible by @eni4sure in #439
- Revamped main game page by @e-nicholas987 in #441
- actions update by @eni4sure in #442
- workflow update by @eni4sure in #443
- Feat/create endpoint for game result creation by @Alao-Abiodun in #437
- Update game results fixes #431 by @kenny0619 in #435
- save player moves by @mustophy in #440
- comment code breaking server by @eni4sure in #446
- Feature: Save GameId to Database by @fabianuzukwu in #447
- eslint setup for backend by @eni4sure in #451
- built endpoint to retieve game ids by @Emekarr in #450
- Endpoints that update users details by @Caesarsage in #449
- Fixed some bugs by @Emekarr in #452
- linter workflow setup for backend complete by @eni4sure in #453
- eslint fixes, removed code breaking production. Merged with ❌ on purpose by @eni4sure in #454
- workflow update to cache node_modules by @eni4sure in #455
- quick bug fix by @Caesarsage in #456
- Game over modal by @wavist in #458
- general backend restructure :) by @eni4sure in #463
- postman docs added by @eni4sure in #464
- eslint fix by @Alao-Abiodun in #467
- testing a centrifugo feature by @eni4sure in #468
- modified create and join room routes to use zc_core db api by @NdubuisiJr in #470
- fixed custom error handler, merged on purpose with ❌ test by @eni4sure in #474
- fetchByParameter dbHelper function added by @eni4sure in #475
- /watch game endpoint complete by @eni4sure in #476
- Finished implementation of piece movement with database by @NdubuisiJr in #478
- plugin Id update by @eni4sure in #480
- User authentication check helper to determine token is valid and registered in the organization by @JoshuaMonyei in #484
- created endpoint to unwatch game -#483 by @kenny0619 in #493
- feat/create-an-endpoint-logic-for-endgame by @Alao-Abiodun in #482
- api plugin documentation by @Caesarsage in #487
- Implemented versioning (/api/v1/) by @NdubuisiJr in #479
- Endpoint for Get all Results from the Database by @fabianuzukwu in #485
- Custom chess pieces by @e-nicholas987 in #500
- fix not found result controller by @eni4sure in #501
- fetch gameById by @JoshuaMonyei in #504
- built endpoint for quitting game by @Emekarr in #503
- fetch gameById correction by @JoshuaMonyei in #505
- be demo tests updated by @eni4sure in #507
- small fixes to be-client centrifugo by @eni4sure in #508
- fixes to clientfugo client by @eni4sure in #509
- testing fix for client centrifugo by @eni4sure in #510
- implemented test frontend and backend by @eni4sure in #511
- make board hidden at first by @eni4sure in #512
- board visibility fix by @eni4sure in #513
- piece move implemented by @eni4sure in #516
- fetch games by userId by @mustophy in #506
- test frontend integration complete by @eni4sure in #519
- #518 Added chess board border with notations by @e-nicholas987 in #522
- filters added for all games endpoint by @eni4sure in #523
- Update on Spectators' page by @Joblyn in #526
- Get Results by game id logic, endpoint and documentation by @Caesarsage in #525
- final fix: continue game on refresh by @eni4sure in #527
- Change Miniboard Board Images and Styling by @thebigbillz in #528
- Chess piece move by @e-nicholas987 in #532
- Revert "Chess piece move" by @NdubuisiJr in #533
- Chore/api documentation for game resign route by @Alao-Abiodun in #531
- switched to zc_core main API by @eni4sure in #535
- Dev by @Watermelon-Sugar in #542
- Exit game screen by @kenogit78 in #541
- Re Context and axios instance setup by @lekandev in #544
- Modified create game endpoint by @NdubuisiJr in #545
- Updated Homepage to reflect new design by @vermilion4 in #543
- Corrected navbar fixed height by @vermilion4 in #547
- Comment section for spectator mode in progress by @Yemi-dev in #553
- modal responsivesness by @Watermelon-Sugar in #550
- endpoint for comment resources by @tobybrave in #538
- Converted create-react-app to webpack by @odizee in #551
- workflow update to copy build to server by @eni4sure in #557
- workflow update by @eni4sure in #558
- Updated notification bar to master board design by @vermilion4 in #555
- Changes on the exit game feature by @kenogit78 in #559
- Revert "Changes on the exit game feature" by @odizee in #561
- create endpoint complete by @eni4sure in #562
- Rules page by @Anita9771 in #560
- slight change on the exit feature by @kenogit78 in #564
- Consume Create Game Endpoint (Axios) by @thebigbillz in #567
- Chess plugin marketplace details by @JoshuaMonyei in #566
- Congratutaltions modal implementation by @odizee in #568
- implemented the comment icon for the watch game screen by @michael-2509 in #570
- Join as Player One by @otutukingsley in #572
- implement get all six games data by @lekandev in #574
- Six Board Workflow by @thebigbillz in #576
- Join as Player One update by @thebigbillz in #577
- integrated join as player two endpoint by @michael-2509 in #578
- Implemented end game endpoint by @odizee in #582
- Watch game by @Anita9771 in #583
- Landing page by @Anita9771 in #585
- landing page button by @Anita9771 in #586
- Comment section(spectators) -- update. by @Yemi-dev in #584
- Landing page responsive by @Anita9771 in #587
- fixed bug in joining as player one by @odizee in #588
- Reverted chess.js instance to useRef and added square styling on piecemove by @e-nicholas987 in #591
- Revert "Reverted chess.js instance to useRef and added square styling on piecemove" by @odizee in #592
- reverted chessjs instance to use ref and added square styling on piecemove by @e-nicholas987 in #593
- exit game API implementation by @kenogit78 in #596
- fixed error with resign logic by @Emekarr in #598
- Comment spectator mode --update. by @Yemi-dev in #594
- For Eniola: Centrifuge Capability for Join Game by @thebigbillz in #597
- Adjusted spectator screen header by @vermilion4 in #599
- User Auth and User Context by @thebigbillz in #602
- Revert "User Auth and User Context" by @odizee in #604
- Webpack Bug FIxed by @eni4sure in #618
- fixed join as p2 and allow drag bug by @e-nicholas987 in #619
- commented out codes by @e-nicholas987 in #620
- added conditional to gameOwner by @e-nicholas987 in #621
- Forfeit Modal by @Babsmutini in #623
- added conditionals to gameData.moves and gameData.messages by @e-nicholas987 in #624
- Revert "added conditionals to gameData.moves and gameData.messages" by @odizee in #625
- Spectator's live comment fixed. by @Yemi-dev in #627
- Join game func fix by @e-nicholas987 in #628
- fixed join as player two by @michael-2509 in #629
- Fix Show Forfeit Button & Forfeit Modal View Functionality by @Babsmutini in #630
- Header fix by @Babsmutini in #631
- Header fix by @Babsmutini in #632
- Update header.css by @Babsmutini in #633
- Update Header & Game Rules Button by @Babsmutini in #634
- Header update by @Babsmutini in #635
- Final Fix Header by @Babsmutini in #636
- Installed styled components by @odizee in #640
- Revert "Installed styled components" by @odizee in #641
- Added styled components by @odizee in #642
- Affix Header component in Rules Page & Fix Forfeit Game Api Call by @Babsmutini in #644
- Refactored code by @Emekarr in #638
- Request Rematch Modal by @aniebodavid in #643
- convert forfeit modal style to styled components by @odizee in #645
- Update sidebar games/rooms url by @JoshuaMonyei in #646
- fixed player details from being too large. by @odizee in #647
- exit and forfeit operations by @kenogit78 in #639
- Fixed miniboard sizing on join as player one boards by @odizee in #648
- convert styles to styled components for rules, chessboard, chessboard and chessboard border by @lekandev in #649
- Set zIndex of ChessboardBorder to -1 to allow piece move by @e-nicholas987 in #650
- Button Cusor changes by @Babsmutini in #651
- Update App.css by @Babsmutini in #652
- Styled chat sidebar and made responsive adjustments to the header component. by @odizee in #653
- API Documentation in .md file by @Caesarsage in #654
- Init modules.css by @Babsmutini in #655
- Screen extends by @odizee in #656
- added overflow back by @odizee in #657
- Adjusted board size to fit screen by @odizee in #659
- Fixed Responsiveness by @vermilion4 in #663
- Added global header and adjusted sidebar style by @odizee in #664
- Revert "Added global header and adjusted sidebar style" by @odizee in #665
- dynamic organisation to backend and publish to sidebar feat by @eni4sure in #666
- Added global header. by @odizee in #667
- Added second import by @odizee in #668
- Imports by @odizee in #669
- RESPONSIVE COMMENT BOX by @Yemi-dev in #662
- Implemented real time sidebar update by @NdubuisiJr in #670
- fixed delayed reaction by @otutukingsley in #671
- Documentation For Chess plugin API by @fabianuzukwu in #673
- final documentation from my end - await ifOnlyIcan by @Caesarsage in #672
- reposition the exit and forfeit buttons to the top bar, away from the comments section by @lekandev in #674
- overflow fixed, comment bar border adjusted-mobile by @vermilion4 in #675
- Reverted comment and game section height by @vermilion4 in #676
- Info notification on chess piece move by @kenogit78 in #677
- Load all User modal by @aniebodavid in #678
- Show the profile picture of the player by @e-nicholas987 in #679
- Fit Gameboard to screen by @odizee in #680
- Replay feat by @Babsmutini in #681
- auto scroll to the bottom when a new message is sent by @michael-2509 in #682
- For chessbot by @Anita9771 in #683
- Adjusted Gamescreen by @odizee in #686
- Added scrollbar to sidebar by @odizee in #687
- Owner and Opponent Comment by @thebigbillz in #688
- Spectator sidebar by @Babsmutini in #685
- Modularize app.css by @Babsmutini in #690
- add close click to dismiss the loaduser modal by @aniebodavid in #692
- scrollbar styling by @aniebodavid in #694
- App.css fix by @Babsmutini in #695
- FIXED SITE RESPONSIVENESS by @vermilion4 in #693
- Quick fix commentbox by @Babsmutini in #696
- Forfeit modal design implementation adjusted by @Babsmutini in #698
- repositon exit & forfeit buttons, away from the comment section (redo) by @lekandev in #697
- built middleware for authentication and implemented it to protect all… by @Emekarr in #658
- restructured list by @aniebodavid in #699
- count by @JoshuaMonyei in #701
- Bot by @tobybrave in #702
- Loadall users box by @aniebodavid in #703
- added end game status by @kenny0619 in #700
- fix play bot button by @tobybrave in #705
- Emoji reaction by @Joblyn in #689
- updated load user modal by @aniebodavid in #708
- fix starting game with bot by default by @tobybrave in #709
- notification count by @JoshuaMonyei in #707
- Game History Standard Interface by @obintus in #710
- scroll position remains on top on reload by @michael-2509 in #711
- Revert "scroll position remains on top on reload" by @odizee in #712
- Invite modal by @odizee in #713
- Added default profile image by @e-nicholas987 in #714
- activated auth middleware by @Emekarr in #715
- Task to Fix Header in Chess Plugin - Obintus by @obintus in #717
- Fixed styling related issues by @Babsmutini in #721
- Feat/creat a like endpoint by @Alao-Abiodun in #720
- Game Rules font optimization and pixel perfection - Obintus by @obintus in #722
- Added modifiedAt field to game models, Also added category field to sidebar data by @NdubuisiJr in #724
- captured chess piece endpoint by @JoshuaMonyei in #725
- Implemented Ticket ZC-00026 - Boards are permanently taken up even when a game isn't in play. by @NdubuisiJr in #726
- Install and uninstall chess plugin to organisation endpoints by @JoshuaMonyei in #727
- chess install url fixed by @eni4sure in #729
- @be - create search endpoint MVP by @d0bbl in #728
- Modify payload to mimick zuri standard by @d0bbl in #730
- [REFACTORING] Restructure the folders to follow the recommendation and enforce linting rules by @NdubuisiJr in #733
- Finished setting up precommit hooks by @NdubuisiJr in #736
- Updating the main branch from staging by @NdubuisiJr in #738
- Refresh sidebar when an idle game is removed by @JoshuaMonyei in #737
- fixed chessboard scroll away by @otutukingsley in #739
- Fix Installation endpoint by @NdubuisiJr in #741
- Feat: by @kenziematch in #742
- added function to convert comment timestamp to time diff by @e-nicholas987 in #740
- Implemented request changes on imports by @NdubuisiJr in #743
- Merging dev to staging by @NdubuisiJr in #744
- Moving staging to main for production release by @NdubuisiJr in #745
- Changed default port to 22664 by @NdubuisiJr in #746
- Moving default port change to staging by @NdubuisiJr in #747
- Made required port change for alpha release by @NdubuisiJr in #748
New Contributors
- @lekandev made their first contribution in #209
- @tobybrave made their first contribution in #220
- @ESE-MONDAY made their first contribution in #242
- @Aarond2018 made their first contribution in #239
- @Generalsoi made their first contribution in #243
- @juniorbuba made their first contribution in #250
- @Alao-Abiodun made their first contribution in #245
- @Caesarsage made their first contribution in #255
- @NdubuisiJr made their first contribution in #260
- @Timmy-id made their first contribution in #271
- @otutukingsley made their first contribution in #322
- @otinomz made their first contribution in #340
- @vermilion4 made their first contribution in #349
- @michael-2509 made their first contribution in #346
- @kenogit78 made their first contribution in #353
- @Watermelon-Sugar made their first contribution in #366
- @dread557 made their first contribution in #370
- @Babsmutini made their first contribution in #384
- @udosinachi made their first contribution in #391
- @amuabigail made their first contribution in #406
- @HayBeeCoder made their first contribution in #429
- @chysomm62 made their first contribution in #430
- @kenny0619 made their first contribution in #435
- @mustophy made their first contribution in #440
- @fabianuzukwu made their first contribution in #447
- @wavist made their first contribution in #458
- @obintus made their first contribution in #710
- @d0bbl made their first contribution in #728
- @kenziematch made their first contribution in #742
Full Changelog: