Arduino Ethernet MQTT light (relay) controller
C++ UpdatedSep 13, 2022 -
domoticz-ewpe-smart-mqtt-plugin Public
Forked from stas-demydiuk/domoticz-ewpe-smart-mqtt-pluginPython plugin for Domoticz to control ewpe-smart powered air conditioners
comfoconnect_domoticz Public
Zehnder Q350 ventilation unit MQTT to Domoticz
Wiegand_RFID_reader Public
Wiegand RFID reader for home security system
Domoticz_scripts Public
Domoticz script for home automotion (Lua, Dzevents)
weather_station Public
DIY weather station using ESP8266 MQTT protocol
ESP32_Paradox_controler_mqtt Public
ESP32 connected to Paradox SP5500 alarm system and using mqtt publishing data to Domotics server
Airwick_ESPM3 Public
Airwick freshmatic integration to Domoticz
Arduino_NRF24_Tank_level Public
DIY Arduino based tank level, temperature monitor using NRF24L01
C++ UpdatedMar 17, 2019 -
ESPEasy Public
Forked from letscontrolit/ESPEasyEasy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
C++ Other UpdatedFeb 25, 2019 -
ts100 Public
Forked from Ralim/IronOSThe Feature Packed Alternate Open Source firmware for the TS100 iron by miniware.
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 7, 2019 -
Arduino_Aquarium_controller Public
Simple Aquarium controller with Arduino and 4 relays
Automatic blinds ESP8266, 28BYJ-48 stepper with MQTT integration into domoticz
Automatic blinds MQTT (ESP8266+28BYJ-48)
esp8266_aquarium_controller Public
Aquarium controller using ESP8266 4Replay, DS18B20, servo motor
ENC28J60-MQTT Public
Forked from consolacion/ENC28J60-MQTTUse of an ENC28J60 shield (or module) with MQTT PubSub
C++ UpdatedDec 30, 2017 -
comfoconnect_openhab_gw Public
Forked from ORi0N/comfoconnect_openhab_gwPython MIT License UpdatedNov 26, 2017