dtw.py used to test the functionality of the RTL design is from https://github.com/pollen-robotics/dtw And we change the license to GPLv3 because of that.
Open Source Chip!!!
Zhongchun Zhou (zhouzc2000@foxmail.com)
Run Run (rr18@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)
- GNU/Linux Version >= 4.4.0
- Oracle Java
- Python3 (packages: matplot, scipy, numpy)
- Icarus iverilog (With System Verilog support)
- Synopsys Design Compiler
- Synopsys IC Compiler
- Testbench: Initial testbench of the chip
- SuperTestbench: Support SRAM printing
- EnhancedSuperTestbench: Support random test in SystemVerilog
rm *.out #clean the files
rm *.class #clean the files
python3 vector_generate.py #Generate test file
touch vector_output.out #create result file
iverilog -g2005-sv -o test.out EnhancedSuperTestbench.sv
vvp test.out
javac check.java
java check
rm *.class #clean the files
(It is the content of run.sh)
File names: vector_memory.out vector_input.out vector_result.out 10 random templates