Releases: 2WolfGames/Erlang-Legacy
Releases · 2WolfGames/Erlang-Legacy
What's Changed
- feat: Ajax main sounds effect per events by @wilberquito in #257
- 263#ligate UI volume settings in game by @wilberquito in #264
- 249#scenes background music by @wilberquito in #268
- 251#levels for demo part2 by @Jumalita in #256
- False knight by @wilberquito in #287
- Add song to second island by @wilberquito in #289
- 250#end game scene by @Jumalita in #288
- feat: init game cinematographic by @Jumalita in #290
- 274#kassandra sounds by @wilberquito in #294
- Sound for interactuable elements by @wilberquito in #295
- feat: change default background music when facing Apache pig by @wilberquito in #296
- Save game after cinematographic1 by @Jumalita in #297
Full Changelog: 0.5...0.6
What's Changed
- feat: tutorial letters now are easyer to read in caves by @Jumalita in #243
- feat: Apache Pig in game by @wilberquito in #246
- 227 levels for demo by @Jumalita in #240
- feat: change first scene by @wilberquito in #254
Full Changelog: 0.4...0.5
What's Changed
- Setting Menu by @Jumalita in #212
- fix: applies z contraint for wheeler AI by @wilberquito in #217
- Save abiltiies adquired and load at game session by @wilberquito in #219
- feat: death body dangerous orange worm by @Jumalita in #220
- Punch particles now are on time by @Jumalita in #224
- Player recovers all lifes when dies by @Jumalita in #223
- Notification system by @Jumalita in #221
- 209 by @Jumalita in #225
- Recreating false knight by @wilberquito in #222
- 216 by @Jumalita in #229
- 226 notification when boss dies by @wilberquito in #233
- feat: big notification when player adquires ability by @wilberquito in #234
- feat: increases webgl quality and solve light problems changing again… by @wilberquito in #235
Full Changelog: 0.3...0.4
What's Changed
- Plant AI Enemy by @wilberquito in #171
- feat: game title by @Jumalita in #192
- 186 by @wilberquito in #191
- Tutorial canvas by @Jumalita in #178
- 187 by @wilberquito in #195
- feat: changed Project Setings >> player >> Color to Gamma to solve Wa… by @Jumalita in #194
- feat: link timers with powers and abilities by @Jumalita in #197
- feat: now its possible to reshow tutorial after this beeing used by @Jumalita in #196
- Solving uncontrol after hurt by @wilberquito in #198
- fix: now explotes when player is over plant by @wilberquito in #201
- 199 by @Jumalita in #206
- Mechanism to handle player skills by @wilberquito in #200
- feat: adds recoil & faces every target point by @wilberquito in #210
- feat: when worms are in rest position they can not be hitted by @wilberquito in #211
Full Changelog: 0.2...0.3
What's Changed
- 109 by @wilberquito in #154
- fix: revision with Judit by @wilberquito in #160
- Redo punch by @wilberquito in #161
- feat: mechanism to spawn dead enemies corpses by @wilberquito in #162
- feat: change wheeler death body by @Jumalita in #164
- feat: lifebar functionallity now works with HP scriptable object by @Jumalita in #167
- 152 by @Jumalita in #165
Full Changelog: 0.1...0.2
What's Changed
- Story, Context and Charecters by @Jumalita in #2
- Traspas de fitxers antics + possible logo de la SL by @Jumalita in #3
- Kenny assets by @Jumalita in #5
- Feature/20 basic mobility by @wilberquito in #23
- Feature/increase tile palettes by @Jumalita in #24
- Refactor Ajax movement by @wilberquito in #26
- Virtual camera implemented by @Jumalita in #30
- Main attack by @wilberquito in #35
- Touching ground by @wilberquito in #36
- Feature/ajax orientation#32 by @wilberquito in #38
- Interactuable brush by @wilberquito in #41
- Trail instanciating Ajax and trail component by @wilberquito in #43
- 🐛 Brush stops scaling when Ajax is at edges by @wilberquito in #48
- 🐛 Colliders adjust to avoid stick agains walls by @wilberquito in #49
- 💅🏾 Created sorting layers and applied to some of prefabs by @wilberquito in #50
- 🚀 Puff of dust at jumping using particule system and material by @wilberquito in #52
- Feature/animating player#21 by @Jumalita in #54
- Land animation while runninf dosn't activates by @Jumalita in #62
- Feature/dash effect by @Jumalita in #61
- 🔥Feature/detect enemies at dashing v2#63 by @wilberquito in #69
- 🔥Trampoline mechanism by @wilberquito in #70
- 💄Adds sorting layers group to project by @wilberquito in #71
- Feature/65 lifts by @Jumalita in #74
- Vengefull ray attack by @wilberquito in #75
- Feature/interact with enemies collisions by @wilberquito in #78
- Compute collision orientation to trigger correct animation by @wilberquito in #81
- Feature/life bar by @Jumalita in #76
- Feature/slims by @wilberquito in #85
- 2dgamekit by @wilberquito in #87
- Feature/#8scene manager by @Jumalita in #88
- Fix ia bugs by @wilberquito in #89
- Fix ia jumper bugs by @wilberquito in #90
- Refactor by @Jumalita in #91
- Fix/dash jump problems by @wilberquito in #94
- Code formatting with git hooks by @wilberquito in #102
- Feature/#9save game state by @Jumalita in #104
- feat: removes some unused resources from 3rd partty libraries project by @wilberquito in #107
- Camera controller by @wilberquito in #108
- feat: adds package with new particle systems by @wilberquito in #110
- Add new animations#79 by @Jumalita in #117
- Interaction with game objects Destroyable and Hittable concepts by @wilberquito in #119
- feat: rename root project name by @wilberquito in #124
- feat: api for character actions by @wilberquito in #126
- Player apply damage to Destroyable objects by @wilberquito in #130
- Talking system#128 by @Jumalita in #132
- Reuse behavior tree && spawn dead bodies when enemies dies by @wilberquito in #137
- Label interact key#127 by @Jumalita in #138
- Different Hurting Player Methods by @Jumalita in #139
- fix: uses interact on trigger 2d to detect enemies collision by @wilberquito in #144
- Player jumping in water when on recover didnt return to checkpoint by @Jumalita in #147
- Add recoil mechanism to hittable objects and integrate it with Behavior Designer by @wilberquito in #148
- Punches area increased by @Jumalita in #150
- feat: adds punch particles by @wilberquito in #155
Full Changelog: