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Lohikar edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

StonedMC's status panel is completely different from ProcessScheduler's. It will list subsystems even if they do not fire, and subsystem entries can be clicked to open varedit for that subsystem.

Byond, Master Controller, and Failsafe entries

The Byond line has the following values:

Value Description
TickLag The currently configured server tick lag.
FPS The currently configured server framerate. Tied to ticklag.
TickCount How many BYOND ticks have occurred since server boot.
TickDrift A measure of how far behind the MC is from BYOND's tick. This is a measure of lag, the higher this is the more MC ticks have been delayed.

The Master Controller line has the following values:

Value Description
TickRate The MC will tick every this many BYOND ticks. Should usually be 1.
Iteration How many times the MC has ticked since it was created or last restarted.
SleepDelta How much MC fires & CHECK_TICK are being delayed. Below 1 means no delay.

The Failsafe line has the following values:

Value Description
Defcon The current alert level of the failsafe. Should always be 5. If this is lowered, something is wrong.
Interval How many deciseconds pass between each Failsafe tick.
Iteration How many times the failsafe has fired since it was created or last restarted.

Subsystem Lines

This only applies during normal server operation, this changes during Master Initialization.

Example: [ ] Disposals 0ms|1%(0%)|0 P:0

The [ ] will sometimes have a letter inside it, which indicates a state other than idle.

The following letters can show:

Letter Meaning
R Running
Q Queued to run
S fire() is sleeping.

The 0ms|1%(0%)|0 section gives information about how much CPU time the subsystem used in its last fire.

The 0ms refers to approximately how much CPU time (not real time) the last fire took to run.

The 1% refers to approximately how much of a tick (accumulated over tick-checks) the last fire used.

The (0%) refers to how much this subsystem has gone over its tick allotment set by the MC; this is an indicator that the subsystem may be causing lag and requires more granular tick-checking. Sleeping in fire() should not inflate this value, only blocking calls do. Values over 100% means the subsystem has consumed entire BYOND ticks without tick-checking.

The 0 refers to how many ticks (accumulated over tick-checks) the last fire used.


These lines may show in place of the 0ms|1%|0 performance counters.

Value Meaning
OFFLINE The subsystem has been disabled by an admin or indirectly by an admin's action.
SUSPEND The subsystem has disabled itself.
NO FIRE The subsystem does not fire().

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Documentation regarding our implementation of StonedMC (SMC).

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