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SleepyGemmy edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 30 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Glossary
  2. Rooms, Areas, and Sections
  3. Visuals
  4. Errors

This page is intended to help you with mapping and how to map.

Note that this guide does not apply to intentionally decrepit maps.

For adding maps, see: Adding Maps

For shuttle mapping, see: Shuttle Mapping

For away site, ship, and ruin mapping, see: Away Site/Ship/Ruins Guidelines and Away Site Mapping And You!


  • [Mandatory] = You have to do this.
  • [Recommended] = You should do this.
  • [Optional] = You can do this.
  • Room = Self explanatory.
  • Area = A room and its connecting hallways.
  • Section = A collection of areas. Usually a department.

Rooms, Areas, and Sections

Rooms, areas, and sections are what commonly make up a map.

Unless otherwise stated, you can add as many of the below components as you want.

Each room should have:

  • 1 APC (maximum) [Mandatory]
  • 1 air alarm [Mandatory]
  • 1 vent [Mandatory]
  • 1 scrubber [Mandatory]
  • 1 fire alarm [Mandatory]
  • 1 light sources [Mandatory]
  • 1 light switch [Optional]
  • 1 camera [Mandatory]
  • 1 disposal [Optional]
  • 1 holopad (maximum) [Optional]
  • Emergency shutters on all airlocks [Mandatory]

Each area should have:

  • 1 wall mounted radio [Mandatory]
  • 1 news console [Mandatory]
  • 1 fire extinguisher [Mandatory]
  • 1 emergency closet [Mandatory]
  • Emergency shutters to compartmentalize a bigger area

Each section should have:

  • 1 requests console [Mandatory]
  • 1 ringer terminal and button to ring it (maximum) [Optional]


The visuals of a map is important to consider as it helps keep a coherent look.

  • Under doors should preferably be full steel tiles. Hatched markings as well, if it fits the area.
  • Under emergency shutters (e.g. in hallways) should preferably be full steel tiles. Hatched markings as well, if it fits the area.
  • Under full windows should be full plasteel tiles.


  • Do not put stairs or ramps under doors.
  • Do not put multiple objects on the same wall if the overlap is visible from both sides.
  • Do not map wires, pipes, or disposals under walls or windows, unless it is impossible to avoid. Map them through doorways.
  • Do not use wires with the variables d1 or d2 nor the dir set.
  • Do not map things into lockers if it can be avoided. Code the items into the locker instead.
  • Do not map things in eachother, such as a light fixture and a camera on the same wall, or a light fixture inside a blast door.
  • Do not map two decals as a corner. Use the dedicated corner decals.
  • Do not map the ship weapon impact map hints outside of walls.
  • Do not map vents or scrubbers under objects, unless it is impossible to avoid.
  • Do not overuse floor decals (specifically splines and similarly). It makes it harder to change things when mapping and it can make the visuals cluttered.
  • Do not map floor decals under doors (except for hatched decals, if it fits the area).

Standards and Guidelines

A collection of standards and guidelines applied to the codebase.

Common API Documentation

Documentation regarding common APIs which speed up feature implementation and should be known by all coders.

Less Common APIs

Documentation for less used APIs that are not often needed.


Documentation regarding our implementation of StonedMC (SMC).

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