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Katja Durrani edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 3 revisions


What if you are a beginner at JavaScript and what to catch up? This is a guide with resources that have been useful to members of our group. The only prerequisite is knowing the basics, from then on you should benefit, and also be able to contribute.

1. JavaScript Basics

  • If you are completely new to coding, Codecademy is a good place to start. Ideally, don't only learn the JavaScript basics, but also HTML and CSS
  • There is also a good Udacity online course

2. JavaScript Basics and diving deeper

  • First up, our much loved Eloquent JavaScript. It's free, online and has interactive exercises to solve. It teaches not only JavaScript, but programming concept along the way
  • There is also one strong vote for JavaScript the Good Parts, although personally I (@katjad) would not recommend it as the book to read as a beginner (I did, three times!)
  • An online course that at least two members have found helpful Treehouse JavaScript course
  • Also mentioned more than once: Free Code Camp - As the name says, it is free, and there is a quite active community around it

3. After the basics

4. Specifcic technologies we use for the app

5. Learn Git