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Jakub Mareda edited this page Apr 27, 2016 · 4 revisions

Scripting feature has been added to auto call text feature. How it works? Instead of writing simple text, you use special script syntax. It begins with S> after which you may enter commands.


The rules are the following:

  • Script begins with S>
  • Command ends with ;
  • Command can have parameters delimited with ,

Simple script (the command name is fictional)

S>command,parameter 1;

Multiple parameters and multiple commands:

S>command,parameter 1,parameter 2;another_command;

It is up to the command how they handle the parameters. It works very similar to how command line programs have to parse argument input.


Unless command parameter is marked as [required] it is optional. However keep in mind that when you want to specify an optional parameter, you must specify all those that go before it.

s - Say command

Warning: Spamming chat with this command will get you silenced!


  • [required] Text to call
  • [default 1] How many times to repeat
  • [default 200] Milliseconds delay between repeating

d - Delay command

  • [required] Milliseconds delay

#Practical examples Here's few examples I typically use:

Call role more than once

This will call "bot adc" 3 times with 1000 millisecond (1 second) interval.

  ╔═ `s` stands for "Say" command
  ║   ╔═ This is the call text "bot adc"
  ║   ║     ╔═ Ammount of times to repeat (default 1)
  ║   ║     ║  ╔═ Milliseconds between repeats
S>s,bot adc,3,1000

Say two things with a delay

This will call "bot adc" 3 times with 1000 millisecond (1 second) interval.

  ╔═ `s` stands for "Say" command
  ║   ╔═ This is the call text "bot adc"
  ║   ║     ╔═ `s` stands for `Delay command
  ║   ║     ║  ╔═ Milliseconds to wait before next command
S>s,bot adc;d,2000;s,I picked adc first!