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Jakub Mareda edited this page May 10, 2015 · 12 revisions

Schematic structure


Bellow, see the descriptions for individual items:


Blind pick lobby

Blind pick lobby is actually any lobby that has the standard 5v5 view. Blind pick lobby will activate on ARAM, blind pick and draft pick lobbies. But in case of draft pick, champion autopick will NOT work.

Blind pick lobby - Champion name

Blind pick lobby - Champion name
Type the name of the champion you want to be automatically selected when you're matched in blind pick lobby.

Blind pick lobby - Champion name - Save settings

Blind pick lobby - Champion name - Save settings
When you type in a champion name, you will be allowed to save the current blind pick lobby settings for this champion.

Blind pick lobby - Champion name - Delete settings

Blind pick lobby - Champion name - Delete settings
Delete settings for this champion. From now on, the default settings will be used for him.

Blind pick lobby - Call text

Blind pick lobby - Call text
Given text will be called in lobby chat as soon as you appear in standard lobby. If you do not type anything, nothing will be said.

Blind pick lobby - Summoner spells

Blind pick lobby - Summoner spells
Will chose the selected summoner spell(s) as you enter the lobby. If you don't want to change the spell(s), select the no spell image.

Blind pick lobby - Mastery page

Blind pick lobby - Mastery page
Will open the masteries editor and select the mastery page number you have chosen. That means 1 will chose the first mastery in the list.

Blind pick lobby - Rune page

Blind pick lobby - Rune page
Will click on the Runes dropdown and select the item depending on the number you write in. Note that if there's a scroll bar on your rune page list, this feature will probably not work.

Team builder

Team builder can be automated in the therms of automatically clicking all kinds if accept buttons

  • accept new player in lobby
  • press start in lobby
  • press ready in lobby

Team builder - Enabled

Team builder - Enabled
Enable/disable teambuilder functionality. This setting will not have effect if the teambuilder mode is already active. Read more about teambuilder here.

Team builder - Auto-Start

Team builder - Auto-Start
Only if captain: If enabled, the game will be automatically started when everybody clicks Ready button. This only works if you're captain of the team.

Team builder - Greet new player

Team builder - Greet new player
Only if captain: If contains string that string will be posted when new player joins the room. As the message is allways the same, it's suggested you turn it off or it's gonna look suspicious.

Team builder - Lock all

Team builder - Lock all
Only if captain: When the room is full, this text will be called out to motivate players to click Ready button.