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Arduino IDE setup for Esp 8266 and 32

Lucas Morgan edited this page Aug 3, 2019 · 3 revisions

IDE setup

NOTE: If you do not want to change or modify the code, or would just prefer a less complicated way to flash your device, you can skip this and go straight to this page to download the simple flasher.

  1. Install Arduino IDE 1.8.3 or later.

  2. Go to File -> Preferences and add the following to the Additional Boards Manager URLs:

    • ESP8266:
    • ESP32:
  3. Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager, and install your board(s):

    • esp8266 version 2.4.2 by ESP8266 Community
    • esp32 version 1.0.1 by Espressif Systems
  4. When a nodeMCU is plugged in the computer should recognize it in device manager as a serial device on COM [NUM] for windows.

  5. You'll want to install some libraries. Ultimately, these will need to be included in your file. Go to Tools -> Manage Libraries and install the following:

    • ArduinoJson: Version 5.13.4
    • DoubleResetDetector: Version 1.0.2
    • NeoPixelBus by Makuna: Version 2.4.1
  6. WiFi manager is available in the Library Manager, but in order to support ESP32 it must be installed manually to get the latest version. If you do not need ESP32 support feel free to use the Library manager instead. Download the WiFiManager Development Library and install the zip with Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library

  7. EnviralDesign.h is a library located within the sketch folder. You do not need to install it.

  8. Install the ESP8266 FileSystem Uploader plugin for ESP8266 and ESP32 FileSystem Uploader plugin for ESP32. You will need this to upload the data directory that is not included in the compiled binary but needed for the program to function.

  9. Ignore this step if you do not need ESP32 support. The UDP streaming function may send many packets to the device at once. For this to work correctly we need to increase the ESP32's max UDP receive packet buffer. We can do this by changing a variable in the ESP32 SDK. Find your sdk folder. For windows, it's located here %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.1\tools\sdk. Open the sdkconfig file in a text editor and locate the line CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_DYNAMIC_RX_BUFFER_NUM=10. Change it to CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_DYNAMIC_RX_BUFFER_NUM=50. Do the same for the file in \sdk\include\config\sdkconfig.h.