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TouchDesigner Setup

Lucas Morgan edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 4 revisions

TouchDesigner is a node based development environment software that some of the examples in this repo use. If you are new to Touch, no worries the examples are built so that as soon as you open them you can see immediately how and where to change settings to get connected to your PxlNodel.

Installation and Setup:

  1. Register on
  2. Download the installer for the latest 099 x64 build.
  3. Open Touch Designer, and perform the 1 time activation / login.

Basic network controls in TouchDesigner:

  • Left mouse + drag moves the canvas, or selected nodes.
  • Mouse wheel zooms. If you zoom out too far, you can zoom out of the current container. Zooming into a container will take you inside of it once close enough.