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Lucas Morgan edited this page Aug 3, 2019 · 10 revisions

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Welcome to the PxlNode Wiki. Here you'll find deeper information on how to setup, program, and use various features of the PxlNode. This page will be a higher level overview of the functionality you can expect to find generally across all devices.

Generally speaking, the code in this repository breaks down into two categories based on protocol:

  • UDP
  • Serial

More specifically, the following arduino platforms have been actively developed on and for:

  • Esp8266
  • Esp32
  • Teensy 3.2
  • Teensy 3.6

the UDP code base ( esp8266/32 ) has many extra features allowing users to set colors, and trigger sprites in addition to streaming pixel data. The Serial code base primarily focuses on streaming pixel data, but both platforms let you poll / configure the devices remotely using a specific syntax.

This means once programmed, you should not need to pull out your arduino IDE to change settings, they can be configured through python, your own code or natively in GeoPix.

Feel free to look through some older media and docs on the project. There may be some interesting or useful information to get out of it:
