School of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
in 2018
File Name:SPN_inital.cpp
Programming Description:
Function 1: SPN Encryption
Input: plaintext
Output: ciphertext
Function 2: SPN Decryption
Input: ciphertext ( F1's output )
output: plaintext ( F1's input )
Function3、4: Linear Attack, Differential Attack
Instead of 24 - bit key exhaustion, only 8 - bit keys are obtained
File Name:SPN_analyse.cpp
Programming Description:
Function 1: SPN Encryption
Input: plaintext
Output: ciphertext
Function 2 Linear Attack
Get the 8-bit key and the analysis time
Through method of exhaustion, get 32 key, and the analysis time
Function 3 Differential Attack
Get the 8-bit key and the analysis time
Through method of exhaustion, get 32 key, and the analysis time
File Name:SPN_plus.cpp
Programming Description:
Input: Two 16-bit hexadecimal Numbers separated by Spaces
Output: 32-bit hexadecimal ciphertext and hexadecimal plaintext separated by empty lines
-- File Name:rsa.cpp
Programming Description:
Public key e n
Private key D p Q
Plaintext m
Ciphertext C
Plaintext results in different decryption methods
-- File Name:rainbow.cpp
The main function in the source program contains two test programs
Manually enter the test program after the rainbow table is generated
An automated test program behind the rainbow table