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Releases: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom

Proton-6.8-GE-2 Released

17 May 04:33
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-Mass Effect Legendary Edition Launcher and ME1 fixes added. All 3 games should be playable.
-DOOM Eternal should no longer hang and resolution change should work again
-Forza Horizon 4 frequency patch added, however this does not seem to improve the crashing :/
-RE8 REENGINE Logo audio is fixed and no longer plays static (game is still crashy)
-RE8 Display menu fixes ported from proton experimental
-Nioh 2 hang fixed (videos still don't play)
-Fallout: New Vegas audio looping fixed
-2k Launcher fixes ported from proton experimental (fixes mafia, mafia II, and others)
-Yakuza 0 - fsync disabled (thanks tgurr!)
-Yakuza Kiwami - fsync disabled (thanks tgurr!)
-LEGO The Lord of the Rings d3dx9_41 override added (thanks alkazar and FigoFrago!)


  1. For Persona 4 Golden you may need to delete your prefix (again). The game is very picky about fullscreen hack changes. Valve is working on a correct implementation of vulkan childwindow patches, which affect the fullscreen hack. Unfortunately they are still broken, which is why DOOM Eternal was borked. Up until now we have been using a hack to achieve this, which works reliably. In the last 6.8 build I used the new patches without realizing they still had problems. I have reverted back to the hack for now until the upstream patches are more mature. This seems to allow both P4G and DOOM to behave nicely.

  2. Origin is about as stable as trying to piss in the wind while drunk at 3 am. When running a new Origin game and creating the prefix, you may need to run it a few times/clear the prefix/clear your steam downloads cache. It may also crash when trying to launch the game, may take a few attempts.

Proton-6.8-GE-1 Released

10 May 03:57
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  1. Due to large changes in wine 6.5+, you will need to remove old/current prefixes for any games launched with this version. Old prefixes will not work.

Proton Game and Prefix Launch troubleshooting:

  1. Controller hotplugging is currently disabled. Again, due to changes in upstream wine, SDL and proton controller patches need a rebase so they are disabled currently. Wine's current controller functionality seems to work fine from what I was able to test apart from hotplugging, just note that if your controller disconnects you'll need to restart the game to get it working again.


-Resident Evil Village (8) now works. RE Engine intro logo audio plays static, everything else works fine.


-Fixed video distortion issue in RE2 videos (was being caused by the nier replicant patch forcing wrong video format type on all videos)


-Forza Horizon 4 now works
-Nier Replicant now works (Video Playback included)
-Fixed various issues surrounding start.exe Such as ShellExecuteEx failures (causing games not to launch).
-Fixed issue with Borderlands 2 not launching
-Fixed issue with Borderlands 3 hanging on claptrap loading screen
-Fixed audio loop issue in Fallout New Vegas
-Fixed issue with Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links needing vcrun2019
-Fixed issue with uplay, origin, and other game clients not installing on new prefixes
-Fixed issue with Persona 4 Golden not relaunching after first time.
-Fixed issue with keyboard input not working if a controller is connected.

Sorry for the delay between versions, wine 6.5 through 6.8 underwent a lot of changes and there was a lot of stuff broken. Every time one thing would get fixed, another would break. I think with this release most of those issues should now be resolved (hopefully).

Proton-6.5-GE-2 Released

08 Apr 07:56
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-Added wine-mirror/wine@fcb37c9 to resolve start.exe issue
-Added sha512sum file to releases for external update tools

Attached build has been updated.

General Proton fixes:
-Added mouse stutter fix from proton experimental
-Fullscreen hack is back! Works with MK11 finally!
-DXVK updated
-vkd3d updated
-FAudio updated

Game fixes:
-Fixed RDR2 Online mode, works now
-Fixed GTA V forcing players into solo online sessions and making them unable to join events
-Fixed Sea of Thieves crash on loading after creating a new lobby
-Fixed issue with games exiting and leaving steam in 'running' mode
-Added launcher workaround for Evil Genius 2

MFPlat fixes:
-Fixed MK11 random mid-game/mid-cutscene mfplat crashes (hopefully)

Known issues:
-MK11 will crash in story mode on chapter select if you do not select a level before one of the video clip animations completes
-Catherine Classic still doesn't work
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition still doesn't work
-Grandia/Grandia II HD Remaster still crash on opening.

Proton-6.5-GE-1 Released

30 Mar 08:51
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This release is mainly a big cleanup of the mfplat stuff that was broken and should get most of the things working which were working before in addition to a few new fixes:

MFPlat/Video playback fixes:

-Trials of Mana video playback fixed
-Devil May Cry 5's "History of DMC" video playback fixed
-Power Rangers Battle for the Grid video playback fixed
-Seven: Days Long Gone video playback fixed
-Borderlands 3 Marcus intro video playback fixed
-Resident Evil 2/3 video playback fixed

Other Game fixes:

-Red Dead Redemption 2 single player story mode finally works
-Dragon Star Varnir opening crash fixed -- game is now playable

Component updates:

-DXVK updated
-VKD3D updated
-OpenXR patches updated
-Wine and Wine-Staging updated to 6.5

Still Broken:

-Red Dead Redemption 2 online mode does not work (disconnects)
-GTA V puts users in solo session
-Catherine Classic still hangs at new game loading screen
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition hangs at thq nordiq intro logo
-Grandia/Grandia II HD Remaster still crash on opening.


22 Mar 05:21
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Thanks everyone for being patient with this one. There's still some media foundation related bugs and pending fixes that Derek (mfplat patchset author) is working on, but this release should be good enough to get some new games working that weren't previously (notably MK11, Injustice 2, Need for Speed), At the end of the week wine 6.5 releases so if the media foundation patches are fully resolved by then there will likely be another release. Here are the details on this release for now:

Media Foundation changes/currently known issues:

-MK11 cutscenes fully working, video+audio in cutscenes works, has slight audio desync. Crypt also works.
-Injustice 2 cutscenes fully working, video+audio in cutscenes works, has slight audio desync

-DmC 5's "History of DMC" video is broken again
-Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Story videos broken
-Seven: Days Long Gone Humble Bundle logo video will hang if intros are not skipped
-Borderlands 3 Marcus intro on new game hangs (again)
-RE2/RE3 WMV playback currently broken

-As this is a new implementation of the mfplat patches, WMV support and MPEG4 Section 2 support are both missing/not added yet. It is a work in progress, and you may see bugs that were previously fixed. Please be patient as this is a work in progress.


-Updated wine + wine-staging to 6.4-git
-Need For Speed atiadlxx fix ported from proton (Need For Speed now runs)
-Crown Trick + Home Behind 2 fix ported from proton
-Hades controller input fix ported from proton
-DualSense/PS5 controller mapping ported from proton
-Additional OpenXR patches ported from proton

-FAudio updated to git
-Wine and Wine-staging updated to git
-vkd3d updated to git
-dxvk updated to git and FarCry 5 texture issue worked around
-Dead or Alive 5 protonfix added (thanks iglu47)
-watchdogs 2 and farcry5 uplay overlay disable protonfixes added (thanks iglu47)
-corefonts fixed in protonfixes (thanks iglu47)
-vcrun2019_ge download url updated in protonfixes
-winetricks updated in protonfixes
-msiexec re-enabled in wine build (thanks fastrizwaan)

All in all, I would say the summary of this build is if you want to play MK11 or Injustice 2, this build is for you, but if you have any games that heavily relied on Media Foundation (mfplat) prior to this, chances are they may be broken in this build. Once Derek gets WMV and MP4S2 implemented along with some cleanups the next build should work nicely regarding mfplat.


08 Feb 00:31
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HOTFIX: 2/7/2021
-removed futex2 patches, they cause warframe's launcher to freeze.

Download link updated

Release notes:

-removed previous steam common redistributables fix for winetricks -- it was causing crashes on arch systems, and winetricks fixed the download urls upstream anyway. This should also fix some issues with games launching once then not launching again.
-updated winetricks in protonfixes
-added tree of savior d3dcompiler_47 override
-fixed crash issue in RE2 and Visage on vega APUs due to dxvk being compiled with gcc9 (resolved with gcc10)
-cyberpunk heap allocation/shared memory patches added, should improve performance
-additional spatial audio patches added from experimental
-futex2 patches added from experimental


31 Jan 04:26
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Hotfix #3: 2/1/2021

Since Microsoft decided to remove the download URLs for DirectX:

It broke some of the usual protonfixes/winetricks overrides -- such as d3dx11_43, d3dcompiler_43, xaudio, xactengine, vcrun2015/17/19 and a few others. Luckily for us, Valve ships most of these and it's auto-downloaded on most systems that run Windows or Proton games, under the 'Steamworks Common Redistributables' tool.

With that being said, I've added functionality to proton to detect this folder, and install the overrides from this folder, instead of having to download them from Microsoft. This should save both bandwidth and disk space.

Again, if you have issues with protontricks not being applied to the prefix, make sure you have 'Steamworks Common Redistributables' installed under the 'TOOLS' section of your library in steam.

Download updated.

Hotfix #2: 1/31/2021

-Persona 4 Golden sound actually fixed this time with xactengine3_7 override
-Persona 4 Golden protonfixes k-lite install fixed to use locally written config for unattended install instead of github download
(If this was an issue for you before, please try again with a clean prefix)
-Microsoft Flight Simulator crash on new flight loading fixed (needed missing wmphoto patches)

Download updated.

Hotfix: 1/31/2021

-Small hotfix which adds rebased patch for doitsujin/dxvk#1582. Allows it to be applied to upstream dxvk without reverting doitsujin/dxvk@2d670ec and doitsujin/dxvk@c107345. Not a major change, but not reverting them fixes some validation errors per the commit comment. Download updated.


-Persona 4 Golden in-game audio fixed, game should now be fully playable
-Cyberpunk 2077 issue resolved where FPS would be half of that experienced in regular proton (Thanks TKG for finding the dxgi override which resolved it)
-fsync issue causing conhost to pin 1 cpu at 100% resolved (thanks openglfreak Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git@ddd28ce)
-controller hotplugging fixes imported from proton experimental for Subnautica and DOOM 2016
-Yakuza like a dragon controller detection fix imported from proton experimental
-Warframe controller workaround functionality updated
-dxvk updated
-vkd3d updated
-faudio updated
-wine + wine-staging updated

A note about Warframe controller functionality:

The issue with Warframe via Steam Play/Proton as many people know is that if you do not have a controller plugged in, the game would crash after 5 minutes on the dot. The workaround for this was to run xboxdrv to create a fake controller. About a year ago I created a patch for steamclient that worked around this issue by checking the names of joystick devices (js0,1,2 etc) in /dev/input/. This -sort of- worked. The reason I say sort of, is because some non-gamepad devices such as corsair mice and keyboards register themselves as joysticks.

So the trick was to check the name for anything that didn't have 'keyboard' or 'mouse' in the name. This however, did not work, as other devices such as steering wheels and flight controllers also got passed as 'gamepads'. Since steering wheels and flight controllers are not used in Warframe.. this again led to the crash.

I've now edited the patch again, this time steamclient's controller interface (which causes the crash), will not load in Warframe unless the device name contains 'controller' or 'pad'. I tested this with xbox, ps4, switch, and logitech controllers, as well as off-brand controllers, both wired, bluetooth, and ms xbox wireless, all were recognized ok, and the interface did not load with my steering wheel or hotas flight stick.

The purpose of this patch is to allow Warframe to run -with out- needing xboxdrv, so that it will not crash. If you experience warframe crashing after 5 minutes on the dot, please let me know, as I'd like to know more about your joystick devices in /dev/input and possibly add an exception if needed.

Please keep in mind this detection system only affects Warframe. Outside of Warframe controllers and other devices will act as they would normally in Valve's proton.

A note about Skyrim SE Script Extender (skse64):

The patch for SKSE has been removed, per:

The author of SKSE admitted a bug in skse and and fixed it upstream in skse:

--- quote ---
I reached out to the SKSE team about this and Ian Patterson confirmed that there
had been a bug with calculating the minimum safe address and corrected it in
F4SE, but somehow it was not corrected for SKSE.
--- quote ---

This has since been fixed here:


However a new version of SKSE has not been released yet so the fix is not in it. The fix was added Dec 28 but the current SKSE build available at is from August.

I've recompiled it and supplied it here (with sources) until the Author releases a new version:

Seems to work for me. Game launches and my mods work. If a specific mod doesn't work but others do it's likely an issue with that mod specifically more so than SKSE. Please note I'm providing this to get mods working for the majority of people without needing patching, and -not- responsible if any specific single mod does not work. The latest version of SkyUI seems to work here for me.

Known issues:

-The build uses proton's new runtime, which runs within a container, therefore all of the current Proton 5.13 issues also apply here.


-MK11 Story mode and Cinematics do not work
-Injustice 2 Cinematics do not work
-Catherine Classic is not working
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition intro + cutscenes do not work
-Black Ops III does not work
-Grandia and Grandia II do not work


18 Jan 09:26
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Game Fixes:

  • Persona 4 Golden now playable but with issue -- in-game audio is broken. Cutscenes and cutscene audio are working.
  • Fixed issue that prevented Death Stranding from running in 5.21
  • Fixed issue with video playback in DmC 5 (again)
  • Fixed issue preventing controllers from being detected in some games on certain distros
  • Controller Hot Plugging now working
  • Controller patches completely rebased from 5.13
  • Mangohud now working
  • Vulkan device select layer now working
  • Wine updated to Wine-Staging 6.0
  • gstreamer libraries updated to 1.18.3
  • vkd3d updated to 2.1-037efbd to contain Dirt 5 fix
  • dxil-spirv submodule in vkd3d updated to contain latest Horizon Zero Dawn fixes.
  • DXVK updated, contains F1 game fixes
  • DXVK pending pull requests 1582,1673,1759,1805 added:


  • Should contain most of the fixes from Proton-5.13 from Valve, if something is missing let me know in discord.

Proton Fixes:

  • added klite verb with ini for custom silent install for Persona 4 Golden
  • updated Persona 4 Golden protonfixes script

Known Issues:

-The build uses proton's new runtime, which runs within a container, therefore all of the current Proton 5.13 issues also apply here.


-Red Dead Redemption 2 still does not work. Unfortunately the syscall patches in current proton do not work with upstream wine.
-Fullscreen hack is still currently disabled.

Known mfplat+quartz issues:

-Catherine Classic is not working
-Black Ops III is not working
-Injustice 2 cutscenes broken currently
-Darksiders Warmastered Edition intro+cutscenes broken currently


13 Oct 05:14
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Ok, so I found yet a few more important fixes... so I went ahead and just said screw it and took yesterdays update and added it on to today's release to make people more aware. This build should be used as its basically a bunch of hotfixes on top of GE-7-ST.

-winetricks is now fully integrated into the build, which means no more relying on the winetricks package of whatever system it's running on, and no more failing without any notice if it's not installed on the system

-Death Stranding working again (found the issue that broke it in GE-5-ST, it was a woopsie on my part).

-Death Stranding Red Halo and issue fixed

-Baldur's Gate 3 DX11 crash fixed

-Baldur's Gate 3 will now ask you if you want to use Vulkan (No=DX11)

-Baldur's Gate 3 still requires AMDVLK on AMD if you want to use Vulkan, DX11 works fine.

-Serious Sam 4 will now ask you if you want to use Vulkan (No=DX11)

-Serious Sam 4 Nvidia still crashes in-game with Vulkan. DX11 works fine.

-Serious Sam 4 flicker workaround found and applied.

-Halo: MCC -- vcrun2019 fix applied -- should fix coop campaign multiplayer desync

-Just Cause 4 patches backported -- game works now

-Watch Dogs 2 eac launcher and nosplash options added to protonfix

-Soul Calibur VI -- I found out the game actually works but you need to 'press any button' before the 'press any button' audio finishes, or it will freeze.

-vkd3d has been updated -- Horizon Zero Dawn fullscreen mode should be fixed now.

-dxvk was updated with the latest release which fixes some previous major crash issues.

For those having the the issue with Horizon Zero Dawn running out of memory and crashing -- I'm curious if you're on intel or amd cpu, and if you're on amd, could you try adding clearcpuid=514 to your kernel boot options? I realized that I had this set for troubleshooting another different game issue during my first testing of HZD, and that I didn't hit any crash issues during that time, and am wondering if it is playing any part with this issue.


05 Oct 08:28
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Update: 10/6/2020

  • Fixed a regression caused by an upstream pending vulkan patch that caused Horizon Zero Dawn to crash for nvidia users
  • Fixed the Serious Sam 4 protonfix -- now launches using DX12, as that version works in both AMD and Nvidia (Nvidia vulkan has a hang)
    -- Note: The weird flicker bug is present across all APIs - DX11, DX12, and Vulkan.

Attached build has been updated. Please re-download

This release just has a butt ton of game fixes. Some full, some partial. Some important notes are that a workaround has been found for multiplayer desync in some games (SUCH AS MK11 AND AGE OF EMPIRES II:DE !!!).Yes, that's right, MK11 multiplayer finally works, -and- renders correctly as far as I could tell. If you know of other games that have desyncing with multiplayer, they will likely need the custom vcrun2019_ge winetricks verb I've added to protonfixes. Also it's highly recommended to update your graphics drivers for games such as HZD, Death Stranding, Serious Sam 4. AMD users mesa-git, Nvidia users 455.23.04 beta.

So let's get down to the fixes:

  • Path of Exile protonfix modified for native dxgi - fixes using wrong gpu on igpu+dgpu systems

  • Path of Exile waitforpreload and garbage collection launch options removed from protonfix

  • Mafia:DE and Mafia:II DE protonfixes added - both fully playable now

  • Age of Empires II: DE protonfix added - fixes online multiplayer desync

  • Mortal Kombat 11 protonfix added - fixes online multiplayer desync

  • Monster Hunter World protonfix added to auto-enable seccomp (necessary as of latest update)

  • Endless Space 2 Fixed incorrect video color

  • Saints Row 2 protonfix added which allows menu, cutscene, and in-game audio to work

  • Bloons TD6 missing wbemprox patch added to make Bloons TD6 devs happier: ValveSoftware#2330 (comment)

  • Marvel Avengers patches and protonfix added to allow game to run - note this is still very buggy:
    -- dx12 does not work, so dx11 is forced
    -- dx11 is not intended to be used in this game, however it has dx11 functionality built in
    -- there are graphical glitches currently in the dx11 renderer
    -- there are still random crashes

  • Serious Sam 4 protonfix added to force to run on Vulkan - important notes:
    -- the game still does not launch on nvidia, no matter what API is used (vulkan,d3d12,d3d11)
    -- on RADV and AMDVLK, there is a bad texture flicker, noted here:

  • vkd3d-proton updated to temporarily use's fork of vkd3d-proton for the vram workaround for Horizon Zero Dawn- notes:
    -- This build is temporarily using's fork of vkd3d-proton for the vram workaround for Horizon Zero Dawn. A proper fix for horizon zero dawn running out of vram has not yet been found, however this should allow the game to not crash within short time periods. Details here: HansKristian-Work/vkd3d-proton#266 (comment)
    -- for nvidia, nvidia beta driver 455.23.04 fixes the floating objects in horizon zero dawn
    -- for amd, mesa 20.1.9 or higher fixes various graphical issues

  • vulkan patches updated in wine through current git (5.19) and some deprecated proton patches removed. This seems to also allow the vsync option in HZD to not break the game, and seems to run overall smoother in some vulkan native titles (Doom Eternal, SS4, Path of Exile)

  • mfplat, quartz, gstreamer patches update in wine through current git (5.19)

  • dxvk updated

  • faudio updated