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Releases: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom


10 May 06:45
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Hi All, So originally I was going to do a double release -- one with the media foundation work, and one without, however with much of the media foundation work already upstreamed, I'm not able to do that without reverting a large amount of the commits. On the bright side, a lot of the media foundation work that has been done and is currently in alpha testing, is getting to a good working state.

Many of the media foundation games don't work to begin with in the first place in proton, or if they do, they work in normal proton due to the previously used media foundation hacks to disable it. These hacks conflict with upstream and no longer work as mentioned, without reverting multiple commits.

Based on this moving forward my builds will include the media foundation patches. If you come across a game that works in normal proton, but does not work in my build, chances are it has a media foundation issue.

With that being said, I do feel this build is quite stable, and has had a lot of fixes implemented which get many previously non-working games into a working state, as well as fixing quite a few bugs between 5.6 and 5.7.


I forgot to also mention I've added an updated version of the dxvk async patch which allows async pipelines to work with the state cache (previous version did not). Again, use at your own risk. As far as I'm aware, this is safe to use on Path of Exile and Warframe.

For those unaware - the async patch is a feature that was in DXVK, but was removed because around the same time, people started receiving bans in overwatch. Since async came out around the same time, it was blamed and thus removed from dxvk, however in some games it provides a significant performance increase. This is why I reiterate -- use at your own risk. It can be enabled with DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% in the steam game launch options.

Overall fixes:

-Fix for ValveSoftware#2929 added, fixes crash in Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Nier: Automata
-GTA IV should be fully playable now, patches imported from upstream proton
-Street Fighter V should be fully playable now, patches imported from upstream proton
-HideWineExports=Y registration added for FFXIV, fixes license issue
-Homeworld Remastered Collection should be playable without custom launcher necessary
-Updated steep patch for wine 5.8
-fixed proton controller patch issues -- should now have full proton controller patchset and functionality to match upstream proton
-patch added that fixes overwatch breakage in 5.7
-patch added that fixes star citizen breakage in 5.7
-patch added that fixes Path of Exile flicker in 5.7
-FFXV patch is now working again, game should be playable
-Monster Hunter World patches added which enable DX12 mode with vkd3d
-DXVK async patch updated and re-added. Disabled by default, used DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% to enable.

MF (Media Foundation) specific fixes:

-Resident Evil 2 videos fixed, should now be fully playable, also works in DX12/vkd3d
-Spyro Reignited Trilogy videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Remnant: From the Ashes videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Soul Calibur VI videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Street Fighter V videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Deep Rock Galactic videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-BlazBlue Centralfiction videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Bloodstained: Ritual of the night intro videos fixed, should now be fully playable
-Crazy Machines 3 videos fixed, should now be fully playable

WIP (work in progress) and known issues:

-Deep Rock Galactic requires libffi. Most distros ship this, with, however some rolling distros such as Arch have upgraded to, causing breakage. On arch this can be fixed by installing the libffi6 package from the AUR.
-Resident Evil 3 crashes at rpd bathroom c4 detonation scene
-Borderlands 3 New Game Marcus narrated intro still crashes
-Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid works, however cutscene audio plays in what can only be described as "chipmunk mode", lol.
-Seven: Enhanced Edition Intro Video hangs (uses MPEG1 format, needs to be implemented)
-Age of Empires II WMV videos don't play
-Darksiders: Warmastered Edition wmv videos do not play
-Catherine Classic does not play, opens small black box for game window
-Danganronpa V3 crashes on opening


14 Apr 05:16
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Proton-5.6-GE-2 Pre-release

-This is a hotfix that reverts the fullscreen hack changes, as they introduced a regression with mouse stutter on movement after a period of time. What this means:
-Fullscreen hack is still enabled, it's just using proton's version, not customized for staging
-Staging's winex11.drv-mouse-coorrds and rawinput patchsets have been disabled
-Proton's rawinput patchset has been re-enabled.

Normally I'd wait to release smaller changes like this, but the regression made some games basically unplayable. This should allow games to be played at least without the mouse stutter.

Update: 4/14:
-The cause of RE2 crashing in DX12 has been found. Mesa overlay causes it to crash. If you have the Mesa vulkan overlay enabled, remove the launch options/disable it and it should allow RE2 to not crash in DX12/vkd3d mode. This should make both RE2 and RE3 fully playable in DX12/vkd3d. I have not tested the STARS office scene in RE3, so if someone could confirm that's working it'd be appreciated.


13 Apr 10:03
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Proton-5.6-GE-1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release continuation of the mfplat work done by Guy1524 (Derek) along with some additional fixes.

Wine + Wine-staging:
-Update to 5.6 release

-Add partial WMV playback support (Should allow RE2 and RE3 movies to play)
-Add gst-plugins-ugly and wmv playback patch to build

-Add dxgi=n override for Darksiders Warmastered Edition, game seems to crash with wine's dxgi when using dxvk
-Add Divinity Original Sin 2 symlink fix update - fixes black screen on first launch
-Add SECCOMP override for RE3, needed by Denuvo
-Add SECCOMP override for DOOM Eternal, needed by Denuvo

-Add Proton 5.0.6 alpha patches
-Add Proton 5.0.6 alpha DOOM Eternal Audio patches
-fixed build system to include dist folder directly instead of tarball. This fixes the issue with sometimes having to hit the play button twice, or some issues people have on their system where the dist tarball never extracts.
-fullscreen hack patches modified to work with staging's winex11.drv-mouse-coorrds and rawinput patch sets

-Spyro is still broken
-MHW Tutorials are still broken
-BL3 usually wants to set Direct12, which crashes. This generally leads to a popup asking you to restore default settings (confirm/hit yes). You will then need to relaunch the game and go in the games settings and change it to DirectX11 manually. After that DirectX11 should stick as the default mode.
-RE2 Crashes in DX12 with vkd3d at main menu, you'll need to set DirectX11 in re2_config.ini for DX11 with DXVK
-RE3 Seems to work with DX12 and vkd3d with minor interface graphical glitches. Can set DirectX11 in re3_config.ini for DX11 with DXVK
-FFXV seems to be working again

Again, I must note that 'pre-release' builds are basically alpha-testing builds. While they may contain a lot of fixes, some things may also be broken that normally are not.

Specifically in this regard - proton normally disables 'mfplay' which allows media foundation movies in many games (WMV and MP4) to just be skipped automatically. Since we enable this without full functionality, some games, such as Spyro or MHW, may hang when a movie tries to play.

If you wish to re-disable media foundation to use this version with your other games, you can use WINEDLLOVERRIDES=mfplay=n %command% in the game's launch options.


05 Apr 00:54
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Proton-5.5-GE-1 Pre-release

So I'd like to preface that this is a pre-release that has a massive amount of media foundation/mfplat wine patches. A huge thank you goes to Derek Lesho (Guy1524: as well as Nikolay Sivov and Sergio Gómez Del Real all from CodeWeavers for getting this stuff working and taking the time to help me get it working with the correct dependencies in proton.

What this does is allows mp4 playback in MANY titles, including UE4 -and- Unity engine games. This fixes a lot (not all, but a lot) of issues surrounding media foundation/mfplat without the need for the 'mf-install' workaround that has legal issues and limitations, and is much safer for us to ship.

Tested fixes:
-Fixed borderlands 3 lilith in-head videos and 'watch the monitor' video bug
-Fixes Remnant: From the Ashes intro videos, intro menu, character menu
-Fixes intro video on Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
-Fixes mp4 playback issues related to Crazy Machines 3

Still broken:
-Borderlands 3 intro narrative with Marcus's voice on new game does not play
-Spyro is still broken
-Probably some other mp4 related titles

Additional updates:
-A small patch has been added that should fix sunset overdrive from crashing on launch:
-Two warframe launcher regressions have been fixed
-Mouse input fix patches which were added to wine-staging for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord:
-Lots of gstreamer plugin related work has been done/added in order to get media foundation stuff working. This was also cleared with aeikum and kisak from Valve personally, and deemed -ok- to include in my repository. This means it is safe to continue to link in Valve's issue trackers, unlike the 'mf-install' workaround. HURRAY!

Additional notes:
-Not -all- mp4s are fixed. There are still some that have problematic formats that are being worked on.
-Also coming down the pipe soon will be WMV playback fixes. This is to be handled after the mp4 issues are sorted.

Here's a screenshot of the Borderlands 3 'Watch the Monitor' quest working finally, woo! --



25 Mar 01:33
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-wine 5.4 updated to latest git which includes some fixes/updates winevulkan to 1.2.134. DOOM Eternal seems to work fine with it when not blocked by Denuvo.
-Added ValveSoftware/wine#86 for more winevulkan compatibility
-Added for more winevulkan compatibility
-FAudio reverted to 20.03 stable release as some audio issues were reported
-Warframe controller patch updated to strictly only take effect when warframe is running, since the issue doesn't seem to affect other games.
-proton controller patches have been disabled (again) in favor of standard wine+wine-staging's, after reports of 'ghost' input and/or periodic input loss. SDL patches are still in applied.


22 Mar 02:47
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This is more of a clean-up release although some new stuff/fixes have been added, mainly for DOOM Eternal

-Updated wine + staging to 5.4-git/upstream for DOOM Eternal
-Added ValveSoftware/wine#85 VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 and fake support for VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive for DOOM Eternal
-Added ValveSoftware/wine#83 which fixes some crashes in DARK SOULS III (374320), Nier: Automata (524220), Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (814380)
-Added some missing registry entries that prevented Batman: Arkham Knight from starting on a clean prefix
-Cleaned up/removed unused mf_install verb in protonfixes in preparation for newer mfplat alpha patches (coming soon)
-Removed '-wolcen lords of mayhem 'blob head' fix' as the game devs fixed it internally per update
-Removed 'plasma systray fix' as it didn't really benefit anything, and actually interfered with some games.
-Removed Detroit:Become Human patch as it's already been upstreamed
-Cleaned up some duplicate patches and updated our current patches to work with latest wine-git+staging/git
-Updated vkd3d
-Updated dxvk
-Updated FAudio

Notes on DOOM Eternal:

  1. DOOM Eternal currently requires vulkan-loader/vulkan-icd-loader 1.2.135
  2. For AMD also requires mesa-git .
  3. ACO did not work for me with DOOM Eternal when I tried it, but llvm worked fine.
  4. To get rid of pre-launch GPU notices such as (HDR not supported), open DOOMEternal/launcherData/launcher.cfg and change all of these to 0:
rgl_showAMDStartupWarning 0
rgl_showIntelStartupWarning 0
rgl_showNvidiaStartupWarning 0


16 Mar 04:49
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-controller fix for warframe - allows controller profiles to be loaded only if a controller is plugged in. fixes crash if no controller plugged in after 5 min.
-vkd3d updated, allows WoW to be played using proton via lutris (disable dxvk in lutris)
-more metro exodus vkd3d fixes
-wolcen lords of mayhem 'blob head' fix
-detroit: become human patch added
-need for speed world launcher patch added
-wine+ wine-staging updated to 5.4
-dxvk updated to latest git
-faudio updated to latest git
-fixes from Proton 5.0.4 imported

Known issues:

-MHW broken since last patch.
-MK11 broken since wine 5.0
-Injustice 2 broken since wine 5.0 (did not work here, but have had it reported working in 4.21)
-Borderlands 3 does not work with vkd3d yet


23 Feb 20:21
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Proton-5.2-GE-2 Pre-release

This is a pre-release to fix Fallout New Vegas from crashing on main menu.
-fixes a missing portion of the fullscreen hack
-dxvk updated
-more metro exodus vkd3d fixes
-wine 5.2 updated to latest git


19 Feb 06:03
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Proton-5.2-GE-1 Pre-release

This is a pre-release to fix the Warframe Launcher bug introduced in 2/18's update.


17 Feb 06:41
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This is mainly a hotfix + feature release build.

-Fixed warframe requiring a controller to be plugged in. That's right, you no longer need xboxdrv! I spent the weekend debugging it and was finally able to come up with a bit of a hacky workaround, but it works for now until valve addresses the issue (it has to do with the way lsteamclient handles controllers)

-vkd3d branch is latest from codeweavers + DXIL changes by Hans Kristian (who has been doing a lot of vkd3d submissions) + metro exodus commits that both Hans and Doitsujin (creator of dxvk) have been working on together. The previous release had Hans's DXIL changes, this just adds the Metro changes on top of it. With that being said, expect some minor graphical glitches in vkd3d with Metro Exodus

-This commit: ValveSoftware#3518 has been merged. This was a previous open PR from Guy1542, but it had a bug that would cause clustertruck and a few others not to launch. The new PR is by joshie (d9vk dev) and works now

-dxvk update to latest git
-faudio updated to latest git

Known issues:
-Just Cause 3 not able to save
-Batman Arkham Knight grappling hook not working
-MK11 hanging at launch (again)