Releases: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
GE-Proton8-17 Released
- added protonfix for Alan Wake (thanks FozziHi)
- added protonfix for Batman Arkham Asylum (thanks FozziHi)
- added protonfix for Tokyo Necro (thanks R1kaB3rN)
- added protonfix for The Song of Saya (thanks R1kaB3rN)
- added protonfix for YOU and ME and HER: A Love Story (thanks R1kaB3rN)
- added upstream patch to allow R6 Siege to launch again ( (multiplayer still does not work due to anticheat)
- added fixup for resolution calculation when WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR is used (thanks Ph42oN and loathingKernel)
- import upstream proton build changes
- import upstream VR changes
- update vkd3d-proton
- update dxvk
- update wine to bleeding-edge
GE-Proton8-16 Released
- imported build changes from upstream proton
- update wine to latest bleeding edge
- updated dxvk to latest git
- updated vkd3d-proton to latest git
- added patch to fix genshin impact crash on opening long urls (thanks iglu47 and Awekening on discord)
- protonfixes: removed various no longer needed video playback fixes for resident evil games (thanks Bitwolfies)
GE-Proton8-15 Released
- Upstream proton symstore fixes added
- dxvk updated to git
- vkd3d-proton updated to git
- proton-wine updated to bleeding edge
- protonfixes: added update to remove no longer needed mafia DE launcher workaround, fix physx install on mafia DE (thanks Bitwolfies)
GE-Proton8-14 Released
- removed previously added ealink patch (turned out to be a Legendary launcher bug, not a wine bug. Pending on Legendary side: derrod/legendary#595)
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- vkd3d updated to upstream proton version
- dxvk updated to latest git
- gstreamer updated to 1.22.5
- dav1d updated to 1.2.1
- imported upstream lsteamclient changes
- imported upstream media converter changes
- winemono updated to 8.0.1
- upstream proton overrides imported:
92be0cd - protonfixes: Remove several deprecated workarounds: Monster Hunter Rise, Horizon Zero Dawn, Mass Effect: LE, Madia Definitive Edition (thanks Bitwolfies)
- protonfixes: Fix for Star Trek Online black/empty launcher window (thanks dunconio)
- protonfixes: Restore audio in cutscenes in Atelier Ryza trilogy (thanks salixor)
- protonfixes: use older winetricks version for Proton 5.0 (thanks skryvel)
GE-Proton8-13 Released
steam helper MR ValveSoftware#6555 re-added and updated. Allows -northstar to work with Titanfall 2 while not breaking other games that use bash script launchers. This also allows other launch options to be used alongside -northstar option, regardless of arguement ordering (ie -northstar -novid, or -novid -northstar). This MR also allows launch options to be used with EA games (link2ea commands).
Updated Titanfall 2 protonfix to restore original Titanfall2.exe if NorthstarLauncher.exe symlink was previously used. (the -northstar option does not use/need NorthstarLauncher.exe, it works instead via wsock32 override)
GE-Proton8-12 Released
- FSR is no longer enabled by default as it was found to limit in-game resolutions in some games. To enable/use it you will need WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 alongside the usual options.
- Added patch to allow Farlight 84 to not crash at the main menu
- Reverted ValveSoftware#6555 which caused several games since GE-Proton8-4 which used batch scripts to not work properly, including Guilty Gear Xrd,Escape from Monkey Island,Memento Mori
- Added protonfix to allow Titanfall 2 '-northstar' launch option to work without patching steam helper.
- Protonfix added for DCS World steam edition (thanks skryvel)
- Protonfix added for Assetto Corsa (thanks skryvel)
- Protonfix added for Persona 5 Strikers audio (thanks marianoag)
- Protonfix added for Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster audio (thanks marianoag)
- Protonfix added for Memento Mori logo hang and broken videos (thanks marianoag)
- Protonfix added for Tex Murphy: Overseer (thanks marianoag):
Digital Sound Initialization Error (Intel RSX 3D drivers are not installed)
LAV Filters for video and DgVoodoo for textures
edit registry to avoid ffdshow compatibility manager popup - Protonfix added for Alternativa logo hang and broken videos (thanks marianoag)
- Protonfix added for The Big Secret of a Small Town no cursor or double cursor selecting custom cursor in options (thanks marianoag)
- Protonfix added for Escape From Monkey Island force anti-aliasing and allow higher resolution (thanks marianoag)
- Removed no longer needed Kovaaks protonfix
- Import upstream proton fixes
- Updated wine bleeding edge
- Updated dxvk git
- Updated vkd3d-proton git
GE-Proton8-11 Released
Somehow the addon patches for GE-Proton8-10 did not get applied.. whoops :|. They are applied now in this release. DXVK and wine also updated.
GE-Proton8-10 Released
- wine updated to latest bleeding edge (fixes Ubisoft Connect, adds patch needed for some UE4 games)
- steam runtime update pulled from upstream
- patch required for EALink from upstream wine added (
- dxvk updated to latest git
- protonfix added for kovaaks (thanks xaizone)
GE-Proton8-9 Released
-Hotfix: Apparently yesterdays build was missing the normal proton packaged Gecko and Mono (the file size was significantly smaller than usual). This build fixes that.
GE-Proton8-8 Released
- This is a minor hotfix release that just syncs proton-wine and dxvk with upstream versions from today. A user complained they were seeing some odd CPU+GPU usage in 8-7 but was fine in today's proton-experimental. After testing with this build based on today's experimental they confirmed it was working here too.