Releases: GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
GE-Proton8-7 Released
Huge shoutout/thank you to Ph42oN for completely rebasing, updating and combining all of the old FSR patches to make them compatible with Proton 8.
- Additionally a bug was fixed by Ph42oN with fullscreen not working properly when fsr is disabled which was present in proton 7
- protonfix for Oceanhorn removed as it's no longer needed (thanks Iglu47)
- protonfixes added for Neptunia Re;Birth 1 & 2 (thanks NishiyamaPedro)
- proton-wine updated to latest git
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- dxvk-nvapi updated to latest git
- upstream build changes pulled in
GE-Proton8-6 Released
- fixed FFXIV Hydaelyn new player intro video not playing (again)
GE-Proton8-5 Released
- Gears 5 now works with EAC without any workarounds needed. If you previously used proton-ge to play, go into the game folder and remove these folders:
Then verify the integrity of the game files so that it re-downloads the originals.
- protonfix added for Two Worlds audio (thanks marciocr)
- protonfix added for APB Reloaded (thanks telqor)
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- wine updated to latest bleeding edge
- staging patches rebased
- steam_helper updates imported from upstream
- imported kaldi, openfst, vosk-api modules from upstream
GE-Proton8-4 Released
- protonfixes: fix for Moero Chronicle (Thanks Kaedras and Snaggly)
- protonfixes: fix for Shadows on the Vatican games (Thanks marianoag)
- protonfixes: fix for The Blind Prophet (Thanks marianoag)
- protonfixes: fix for Alter Ego (Thanks marianoag)
- protonfixes: remove no longer needed fall guys workaround (Thanks Corben)
- added fix for northstar launch arguement not working (Thanks Jan ValveSoftware#6555)
- added upstream proton script changes
- added upstream font changes
- added upstream openxr changes
- added upstream steam helper fixes
- added upstream user_settings changes
- updated wine to latest bleeding edge
- updated dxvk to latest git
- updated vkd3d-proton to latest git
- updated dxvk-nvapi to latest release
Notes: On Fall Guys when the Epic Online Services installer is running on a clean prefix, you must hit cancel on step 2/2, otherwise Fall Guys will tell you the game is missing files and force you to exit.
GE-Proton8-3 Released
- wine updated to latest bleeding edge -- fixes video playback regression introduced in 8-2
- fixed issue with some applications swapping to windowed mode when alt+tabbing or focus lost
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
GE-Proton8-2 Released
- wine updated to bleeding edge
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- dxvk-nvapi updated to latest git
- flicker issue fixed in MH Rise
- Shatterline working again
- missing stub backported from wine 8.5 to fix chromium, gameglass
- fixup for daedalic games protonfixes (they were in the wrong folder, thanks marianoag)
- protonfix added for Conception PLUS
- instructions added for steam snap installation in readme (thanks baa14453)
- flatpak url updated in readme (thanks benaryorg)
- dxvk-nvapi game-specific enablements updated from upstream proton
- steam client update from upstream proton
GE-Proton8-1 Released
- All build components rebased to Proton 8 experimental/upstream
- proton-wine updated to latest experimental
- wine-staging rebased on top of proton-wine 8
- proton-ge game patches and pending wine upstream patches rebased on top of proton-wine 8
- dxvk updated to latest git
- vkd3d-proton updated to latest git
- protonfix: No cutscene audio in Daedalic Games (Memoria, The Night of the Rabbit, A New Beginning - Final Cut) - (thanks marianoag)
- protonfix: Megadimension Neptunia VII - (thanks snaggly)
FSR is currently disabled again. It needs a massive rebase and same as before I don't know if it's currently possible to rebase/port it over to the new proton 8 build.
Having the nvapi hack configuration enabled in dxvk.conf seems to crash battlenet. Recommend removing it from the config for existing Lutris installations and related games.
Overwatch losing focus after death seems to be fixed
GE-Proton7-55 Released
This is a hotfix for EAC. In 7-53 the star citizen hotfix broke EAC compatibility for other games, this has been fixed now.
- wine updated to latest bleeding edge
- dxvk updated to git
- vkd3d-proton updated to git
- nvapi enabled for final fantasy stranger of paradise
- legacy xactengine winetricks protonfix removed as it's finally no longer needed
Note: If you are using the 0.5.13-beta1 of Lutris, a patch is needed to prevent SteamGameId being overridden:
GE-Proton7-54 Released
- update wine bleeding edge: brings is fall guys eac fix from upstream
- update vkd3d-proton: brings in some fixes for the last of us, uncharted, and a few more
- update dxvk
- protonfixes: Remove deprecated Saints Row 2 fix (thanks Bitwolfies)
- protonfixes: add fix for Carnage cross (thanks ranplayer)
- protonfixes: correct Outlaws fix script (thanks Sterophonick)
GE-Proton7-53 Released
This is a hotfix that brings the Star Citizen specific EAC patch to upstream. It allows Star Citizen to run without needing to change the /etc/hosts file and does not interfere with EAC for other games.
Before running Star Citizen
(1) You must set SteamGameId=starcitizen
environment variable to trigger the EAC workaround
(2) this script should be run to remove existing EAC files:
if [ -d \"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Roaming/EasyAntiCheat\" ]; then rm -rf \"$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Roaming/EasyAntiCheat\"; fi