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Common issues

Andre_601 edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Chatformat doesn't show

Reasons for this can be:

  • The user/group doesn't have the permission chatformat.<formatname>
    This can be fixed, by giving the right permission to the user/group
  • The priorities aren't setup correctly (if the wrong chatformat is shown)
    DeluxeChat's priority-system is lower number = higher priority.
  • Another plugin blocks/overrides DeluxeChat.
    You can find a list of incompatible plugins here

Placeholder don't format

Make sure that you have the right expansion(s) installed and running. (Use /papi ecloud download [expansion] to download a expansion)
You can check the output of a placeholder with /papi parse me %<placeholder>%

If the placeholder, that doesn't format is %recipient% within the msg-format, try to change it to %recipient_<placeholder without %>% (example: %recipient_player_name%). Do the exact oposite, if you have msg enabled for bungeecord.

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