This package implements functions to convert open3d point cloud into sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 ROS message (and vice versa)
The library contains python modules which are dependent on the following 3rd-party libraries:
setuptools, numpy, open3d, rospy
To install the o3d_ros_point_cloud_converter package on your system, clone the GitHub repository in a folder of your choice, open the cloned repository path in a terminal and run the following command
python3 -m pip install .
Instead if you want to install the package in "editable" or "develop" mode (to prevent the uninstall/install of the package at every pkg modification) you have can run the following command:
python3 -m pip install -e .
- convert_cloud_from_o3d_to_ros: this function converts the datatype of point cloud from Open3D to ROS PointCloud2
- convert_cloud_from_ros_to_o3d: this function converts the datatype of point cloud from ROS PointCloud2 to Open3D
Distributed under the GPLv3
License. See LICENSE for more information.
The package is provided by:
- Fabio Amadio [Mantainer]