Releases: ICCD-MiBACT/ArCo
Releases · ICCD-MiBACT/ArCo
- inventory situation pattern
- environment
- cadastral identity
- responsibility pattern
- update authorship pattern
- update responsibility pattern
update xslt transformation rules for:
- cadastral identity
- inventory situation
- collection membership
- MODI catalogue record
- site and cultural institute or site
- collections and collection membership
- authorship
- demoethnoanthropological heritage
- related work
- fruition
- edition
Fix bug thesaurus
Update CF URI
- Mineral Heritage model and data
- Parks and gardens model and data
- Environment model
- Technical system
- Cultural property realization pattern
- Harvesting method
- Harvesting motivation
- MODI integration on xslt
- allignment URI Author (previous and latest version)
- Collecting location as individual
- arco module updated
- movable property module updated
- ra and bap datasets updated
- xslt updated for BDM
- methodOfInterventionAndDigitization
- Update A, NU and OAC
- MA-CA-SI-SAS xslt
- DecorativeApparatus for A and PG
- Site and CIS
- RVER identifier
- previous location update (with sede di provenienza)
- Update ArchitecturalProperty.xslt
- find-cf and find-cg xslt extension itnegrated
- rdfizer download compressed preprocessed data
- added subject for NU components
- CG xstl creation
- fixed bug on dating interpretation criterion
- Mineral Heritage
- Update architectural heritage
- Harvester extended for Contenitori Fisici e Giuridici, MODI, Authority File
- Preprocessing updated for Contenitori Fisici e Giuridici
- Time indexed typed location with CIS
- iccd normtag + NCS
- Addressed issues: #109 #111 #112 #115 #116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #128 #132 #133 #136 #137 #139 #140 #141 #142 #145 #147 #148 #149 #150 #151 #153 #155 #156 #158 #160 #162 #163 #166
- Various fixings
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 1.1
ArCo version 1.1-pr (pre-release of the version 1.1).
Release notes