Mineral Heritage model and data
Parks and gardens model and data
Environment model
Technical system
Cultural property realization pattern
Harvesting method
Harvesting motivation
MODI integration on xslt
allignment URI Author (previous and latest version)
Collecting location as individual
arco module updated
movable property module updated
ra and bap datasets updated
xslt updated for BDM
Update A, NU and OAC
DecorativeApparatus for A and PG
Site and CIS
RVER identifier
previous location update (with sede di provenienza)
Update ArchitecturalProperty.xslt
find-cf and find-cg xslt extension itnegrated
rdfizer download compressed preprocessed data
added subject for NU components
CG xstl creation
fixed bug on dating interpretation criterion
Mineral Heritage
Update architectural heritage
Harvester extended for Contenitori Fisici e Giuridici, MODI, Authority File
Preprocessing updated for Contenitori Fisici e Giuridici
Time indexed typed location with CIS
iccd normtag + NCS
Addressed issues: #109 #111 #112 #115 #116 #117 #118 #119 #120 #128 #132 #133 #136 #137 #139 #140 #141 #142 #145 #147 #148 #149 #150 #151 #153 #155 #156 #158 #160 #162 #163 #166
Various fixings
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