Releases: IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
Releases · IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
- PR #5896 Adding bar labels-use summaries dialog
- PR #5908 Homogenization using multiple stations
- PR #5916 Replacing the old save control in the calculator with a new save control
- PR #5933 Changes for the extremes Dialogue
- PR #5938 Infilling climatic element using multiple elements from different sources and Missing value plots from imputeTS package
- PR #5948 Minor Changes to the date dialogue
- PR #5972 Improvements to the Enter Dialog
- PR #5978 Importing .dly files, text files with multiple missing values and resetting select all checkbox
- PR #6019 Data View Window Startup helpful Information
- PR #6021 Added controls and their functionality to visdat dialogue
- PR #6032 Tidy climatic data dialog improvements
- PR #6034 Updated R version & R packages
- PR #6038 New R-Instat startup
- PR #6039 Remembering Last Save In Closing Databook (NEW)
- PR #6040 Removed no data loaded label
- PR #6043 Fixing Position Bug and Adding ucrSave control to dlgFindNonnumericValues
- PR #6048 Enabling dlgPolarCluster
- PR #6049 Prepare> Data Reshape> Unstack
- PR #6052 R-Instat startup window modification
- PR #6054 Removed exclusion of numeric data types - Column summaries
- PR #6055 Paste dialogs
- PR #6056 Circular Plots Dialogs
- PR #6063 Taylor diagram bug when the same variable is used as group and type
- PR #6066 updated installation scripts
- PR #6067 Saving and position columns bug fixes and changes
- PR #6076 Fixing convert to factor parameter order
- PR #6084 Adding drop argument into facet_wrap and facet_grid - Plot options subdialog
- PR #6088 Updating convert columns with new factor defaults
- PR #6114 Adding Export to World Weather Record dialog
- PR #6116 Updated SPI/SPEI dialog to allow multiple stations
- PR #6118 Climdex dialog updated for multiple stations
- PR #6119 Adding survival dialog to frmmain
- PR #6120 dlgSPI/SPEI updated to allow multiple stations and bug fixes
- PR #6123 SPEI dialog update
- PR #6124 Fix bug in Tidy Climatic Data year columns option
- PR #6125 Fixed summary tables bug and display of invalid dates in tidy climatic data
- Adding options to delete filters and calculations - delete objects dialog
- Handling missing values in One variable fit Model
- Improve the Prepare > Data Frame > Delete Columns/Rows dialogue
- Added stat_identity options for the pie chart
- Added first dialog (Glance) of the broom package to Use model dialog
- Import Files With Multiple Missing Values And Retaining Selected Sheets
- One variable Fit model
- Correctly handles special characters in Excel file names
- Inline documentation for RCodeStructure class family
- Improving the Model > Fit > 2 variable dialogue
- Minor change to ucrVariableAsFactor
- Added the augment broom dialog use models
- Added the tidy broom dialog to use model
- Improvement to access all packages in Help R Packages and Commands dialog
- Added a simple keyboard to the filter dialog
- Removing filters from row names dialogue
- Subset excel
- New Display Top N dialog
- Fixed multiline commands in script window
- Adding geom_ribbon in the list of geoms
- Added Display Top N dialog to frmMain
- Enabling display of numeric data in scientific format in the grid
- Having histograms show proportions and percentages
- Having the ExportFile,fieldName textbox, in dlgExportGraphAs Image as read only
- More changes in the Model menu
- Added anew keyboard from coin package to the Hypothesis Test dialog
- UcrScript Redo
- Empty clsPopup
- Detect list of Datasets
- Hide unhide names
- dlgStringHandling
- Design changes to the three variable dialogue
- Adding scale date to all graphics dialogue
- New fill missing values dialog
- Prepare clear up
- Auto Switching of Receivers
- Adding dlgVisualiseData to frmMain
- Inline documentation for ucrSave, new PR to replace
- dlgImportData design
- Scatter Plot Design
- Integrate comment from ucrCoreNote Doc to ucrCore.vb cls
- Enabling use of & and | operators in the filter
- Improve the Prepare > Data Frame > Delete Columns/Rows dialogue
- Correctly handles special characters in Excel file names
- Design changes to the three variable dialogue
- Replacing the old save control in the calculator with a new save control
- Proper Setting of the Save Control in the Prepare > Column: Calculate >Regular Sequence and prepare > Column: Date > Generate Dates
- Weighted summaries and hydroGOF package verification functions
- Taylor diagrams implementation
- Using multiple stations and multiple levels for aggregate option when infilling missing values
- Adding extremes subdialogue
- Reading of numeric values in the PICSA Rainfall dialogue
- Aligning controls in the cumulative distribution dialogue
- dlgCumulativeGraph design
- New verification dialog
- Enabled summary menu item under climatic toolstrip
- Added a method to a selector when data frame changes to Climatic>Check Data>QC Temperature
- Autofilling the minimum and maximum temperature Receivers in the Climatic Check Data Temperature dialog
- Time series plots dialog
- Using multiple stations and multiple levels for aggregate option when infilling missing values
- Download gridded data from IRI as Netcdf format
- Adding the summary R function in dlgInventory
- Tidy climatic data dialog improvements
- Fixed designer bug on Define Procurement dialog
v0.6.2 updated download page
- Improved access to R documentation dialog
- Added option to change column type in the duplicate columns dialog
- Fixed bug in 3 variable modelling dialog to cope with missing values
- Small improvements to the layout and options on import dialog
- Fixed bug in climatic summaries where station was ignored in grouping
- All climatic dialogs can now be used with data not defined as climatic
- Improved namings of Climdex summaries to use standard abbreviations and improved the saving of indices to take account to type of the input date columns
- Added multi-line caption option to the PICSA rainfall graphs dialog
Major Changes
- This is the first release using a bundled R. R is now included internally within the R-Instat installation and R-Instat no longer uses the separately installed version of R on users' machines.
- This is the first release to be code signed. R-Instat installers are now code signed with a Microsoft authentication, registered by IDEMS International. This makes the installation process easier for users as R-Instat will be marked as safe to install, and also gives users extra security as only the official release of R-Instat will have this authentication.
- Fixed bug on One variable summarise dialog summarising character columns
- Errors in R-Instat repeat the previous command
- Improved the design of the row names/numbers dialog
- Increased the display time for tool tips
- The "Try" option in various dialogs is enhance to show error details and is made consistent across dialogs through a user control
- Improved tab order on various dialogs
- Added option to use summarised data (column chart) in the Bar and Pie chart dialog
- Added a new dialog to install R packages
- Re-ordered some dialogs in the Prepare menu
- Improved new data frame dialog
- Fixed bug causing error when deleting the last data frame
- Fixed bug in the View dialog not displaying correct variables with certain options
- Renamed Close Data File to Close Data Book
- Added column options to the right click in cells
- Added a new dialog for viewing R package documentation
- Improved the modeling dialog
- Added ability to import multiple similar NetCDF files & small bug fixes in the dialog
- Fixed bug with error showing when selecting day of year range in certain cases
- Improved the cumulative exceedance dialog
Merge pull request #5607 from maxwellfundi/Packages Packages
Merge pull request #5556 from Patowhiz/sdgPlot Plot Options Subdialog. X-Axis and Y-Axis unshown options
- Added a circular keyboard to the calculator
- Improved geom contour
- Added View Data Frame As HTML
- Added stat_ecdf to set of geoms
- Improved Split text dialog
- Open Library Listview Selection bug fixed
- Additional features conversions dialog
- Corrected spells calculations
- Added a new Option(R) to Make Date Dialog
- Improved extremes dialog
- Improved PICSA rainfall graph
- Added Climate normals
- Changed use of defined climatic variables
- Improved Infill missing dates to Fill Date Gaps
- Crop probabilities account for station
- Improvements to the End of rains Dilogue
- Re-designed element condition options on Spells dialog
- Infill missing date- Adding data limits and fixed limits options
- Improved Picsa Rainfall Graph subdialog
- Added non_numeric data types and replacing By factor with Summarise by on the Column Statistics dialog.
- Improved the filter dialog
- Removed id.vars from stacking data for multiple variables
- Enabling editing of layers form main dialog
- Improvements on describe menu
- Adding counts to histogram
- Added key_glyph layer parameter to ucrGeoms
- Adding atan2 key to maths calc and and also expanding the expression on the calculator
- fixed filter saving bug fix
- Various climatic bug fixes
- Amending missing values options - Climate normals implementation.
- climatenormals included
- Correcting names for corruption dialogs
- updated R packages
- Broom package - added peaks and valleys
- Added formula layer parameter to geom_smooth
- Corrected Misleading R-Instat message 3.5.4 to 3.6.0 on installation
- Adding check box containing group to connect median and a combo box containing the summaries on the Describe > Specific >Box plot
- Changed file extension in Export to CMSAF R ToolBox dialog
- Bug fix on PICSA crops dialog
- Corrected calculation of overall condition for PICSA crops dialog
- Enabling the sf options button on the dialog.
- Adding geom_label_repel in Climatic>Mapping dialog for better labeling of station maps