Releases: IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
Releases · IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
- Enhancing Model half way dialogue
- Added Delete Selection feature on Delete Key Press Output window
- Enhanced String handling dialog
- Added try in File > New Data Frame
- Fixed grid bug when filtering to 0 rows
- Replaced is.tibble() with is_tibble() on the data_object_R6.R
- Updated R.NET update & R to 3.6.0
- Improved Model dialogues to Allow appending of results and Disabling of Plots option
- Added stack reverse options to geom_bar and geom_histogram
- Fixing the Delete rows problem with factors not appearing in selector
- Adding library(circular) function to before code in modelling dialog
- Enhancing correlations dialog
- Enhancing Climatic Summaries by Changing the default "width" value for the Count option in Climatic Transform
- Enhancing windrose
- Improving the mean lines in PICSA Rainfall graph
- Added Missing values option in Climatic Summaries
- updated the end date in sdgDoyRange subdialog
- Adding geom_label_repel in climatic mapping to produce good labeling in maps
- Added new use model dialog
- Added changes to enable renaming a data frame while only changing the cases
- Added Window to the text properties of ucrLog and ucrScript windows
- Corrected the library datasets and Updated R-Instat library
- Added Tidy and Examine and Changed the position of the message box on Climatic > Define Climatic Data dialogue
- Corrected calculation for end of season
- Changing the "<" to "<=" in clsQualityControl
- Added non missing option to the summary sub dialog
- Fixed bug importing data.table from file
- Updated R packages
- Added Receiver Group to the Line plot main dialog
- Changed geom linetype layer parameter from numbers to respective 'string names'
- Added logit and logistic functions to the calculator (Maths Option)
- Improving the menu names of import dialogs on the Form Main
- Added string names to the shape aesthetic
- Added Ggplot2coord equal on plots subdialog
- Added position_dodge2 to bar chart and box plot
- Adding Wakefield keyboard to the calculator
- Added message when leaving filter subdialog with the condition not added
- Enhanced Rename data frame
- Enhanced Import from Climsoft dialogue with new date pickers
- Enhanced windrose dialog with the color palletes
- Adding the as.character function to Make Date Dialog
- Made the planting days definition optional for Picsa Crops dialog.
- Added Days_In_Month use data dialog
- Fixed bug with factor receiver clearing on scatter matrix plot in correlations
- Added Julian dates option to the Make Date dialog
- Updated R packages
- Added titles and colour pallet options to the Wind Rose Dialog
- Corrected End of rains calculation to correctly deal with missing values
- Added option to make planting day check optional on PICSA crops method
- Bug fixes on import NETcdf dialog/sub dialog to prevent running dialog with incomplete
- Added feature of Import multiple Excel sheets
- Adding Tidy to the Open CDF and Import Shapefiles dialog names and made names consistent
- Extended labels and controls on dialogs to accommodate French translations
- Improved French translations
- Added a simple theme options sub dialog to graphics sub dialog
- Added common theme options to the graphics sub dialog
- Added jitter layer option for boxplot/violin on boxplot dialog
- Added Try option to the Modelling Dialog
- Fixing bug when running code from the Hypothesis dialog in the script window
- Bug fixes on the Insert columns/rows dialog
- Fixed save bugs on the general graphics dialog
- Enhanced filter dialog's preview textbox to be multi-line and longer
- Added
parameter togeom_boxplot
- Enhanced the General Fit Model dialog
- Enhanced make date dialog
- Added Help pages for main windows
- Adding a facet receiver to the Climatic Stations Maps dialog
- Added Duplicates and the two one variables dialogs to the climatic menu
- Bug fixes on PICSA Rainfall graph dialog - subdialog options now work correctly
- Import from Climsoft dialog can now accept non numeric station IDs + small improvements to dialog & subdialog usability
- Jitter plot from boxplot dialog now has better defaults for jitter height (0) and jitter width (0.2)
- Start of the rains calculation modified to give correct and consistent answer when rain column contains missing values
- Updated target .NET framework to 4.5.1
- Updated
packages to latest version - Model dialogs can now save fitted values, residuals, leverage back to data
- FIle > New Data Frame dialog expanded to include options for defining a data frame through commands
packaged now loaded on startup for use in New Data Frame dialog- Added
to geoms list and added colour parameter togeom_smooth
- Added filter and summary options to Show Non-numeric Values dialog
- Sort dialog clears previously used columns when accessing from right click menu
- Fixed bug in graphics sub dialogs causing crash when no data frame loaded
- Bug fixed in Make Date dialog - OK enabled correctly
- Bug fixes and additional options added to PICSA Rainfall graph dialog
- Tidy daily data dialog now accepts
logical columns in case of missing years - Added missing value code option and bug fixes in Export to CPT dialog
- Added checkbox to Import shape file dialog to include calculated longitude and latitude columns
- Added Logical and Date column as options to End of Rains dialog
- Minor restructure of climatic menu
- Typo fixed in spells dialog
- implemented a variable function name when combining (and splitting) multiple variables name into a list from a multiple receiver #5009
- Enhancing Base Buttons Comments- Making the comments box multi line and adding formatting features #4940
- Including the facet.grid option in the Two Variable Frequencies dialog #5027
- Adding geom_mosaic to list of geoms #5028
- Adding Mosaic Plots menu on main form #5029
- Included Mosaic Plots dialog #5012
- updating R Packages
- Fixes Climatic QC temperature dialog of un renamed data object to Data book
- Removed longitude and latitude climatic type for Export to CPT
- Added the updated help file #5000
- Acknowledgments added to the help menu #4999
- Conversions and general fit modeling dialog added to main form #4998
- Updating help IDs #4996 #4980
- Enhancing script window features #4988
- Enhancing Add Key dialog to fix bug when check unique is clicked and receivers is empty #4979
- New Subdialog to select months #4968
- fixed the Export open refine dialog bug for new names on load #4962
- Enhanced One Way Frequencies dialog and improving output #4954
- Fixed bug with single type receiver resetting correctly #4948
- Renamed instat_object class to DataBook, R-Instat's instance of this to data_book, data_object class to DataSheet #4943
- Added Comment subdialog #4939
- Log Window Functionality Addition- Enhancing right clicks #4938
- Hiding and showing of commands in the output window. #4937
- Enhancing Summaries subdialog #4914 #4905
- Saving a column of fitted values on Standard Precipitation Index(SPI) dialog #4992
- Added the PICSA Rainfall graphs #4990 #4991 #4970 #4879
- Added Rainfall Quality Control at Month level for Checking of dry month #4972
- Fixing Climsoft dialog password widget bug #4967
- Added Splitting the geometry feature on Importing Shape file #4966
- Climatic Maps renamed to station maps #4965
- Adding options to work with non-day units on Make date #4960 #4958
- Conversions dialog added to convert from different units #4953
- Adding the Omit Zero in Qc Rainfall. #4950
- Fixed bug with shifted 365 doy calculation #4945
- Enhancing use date dialog #4934
-Added Map options #4927 - Enabling Evapotranspiration dialog on main form #4923
- Improvements on tidy data dialog for the year options to allow for multiple stations and elements #4910
- Enhancing Climatic summary to allow for day in year #4909
- improved output messages when infilling dates #4907
- Includes the Station maps dialog #4851
- Adding geom_sf to list of geoms #4834
- Added Transform dialog and R code for Spells to include Multiple Spells #4814