Releases: IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
Releases · IDEMSInternational/R-Instat
- Improvements for converting columns: Integer to Numeric conversion now forces type to change to numeric (useful when merging on numeric columns) and option added to do a "simple" convert to numeric (ignoring any non numeric values) and a convert to factor which ignores existing labels #4856
- Added options in Make Date dialog to have single value for year/month/day (useful for making a Date column with monthly or yearly data) #4853
- Merge dialog now displays merging columns on main dialog (and will not allow a merge attempt without any merging columns) #4859
- Improved toolbar icons at better resolution #4061
- View Last graph button added to toolbar (and last graph details stored in instat object)
- Fixed bug causing R-Instat to crash if recent files file is corrupted #4882
- Added stat_summary to available geoms #4600
- Clearing the Output Window moves from the toolbar to the Output Window's right click menu #4868
- Importing an instat object now fully compatible with older file versions #4867
- Modified layout on Use date dialog #4844
- New "Tidy daily data" dialog to reshape wide daily data into a "tidy" long format #4869
- New "Compare" dialog to calculate difference, absolute differences, and anomalies from two columns e.g. satellite estimates and station observations #4885
- New "Export To CM SAF R Toolbox" dialog to export a climatic data frame as an .RData file in a standard format required for use in CM SAF R Toolbox #4883
- New dialog to import shapefiles #4847
- Added option to include an ID column when importing multiple points from NET cdf file (useful if merging with station data) #4848
- Day of year sub dialog selection now correctly accounts for a shifted day of year #4870
- Fixed bug in QC Rainfall dialog with the "Same" option #4857
- .NET Framework is no longer included in the full installer. This is due to various issues, particularly that .NET Framework often will not install as part of another installation process so this simplifies installation, reduces errors and reduces download size. The R-Instat website will have clear instructions on updating .NET. (#4841)
- New options for dealing with missing values in Column Summaries dialog (and other summary dialogs). A number or percentage threshold of missing values can be specified for summaries. e.g. return missing if more than 10 missing values or return missing if more than 5% missing values. (#4701)
- New dialog under Prepare > Check Data to identify problem values in a numeric column that has imported as character (#4776)
- New dialog under Prepare > Check Data to anonymise an ID column using a hash function.
- Improved layout of the Use Date dialog to have a more sensible grouping of choices (#4755)
- The Make Date dialog now correctly returns a missing date on day 60 in non leap years when creating a date column from a year and 366 length day of year column (#4842)
- The duplicates dialog has an additional option to give the index number of the duplicates. (#4757)
- Facets now has the option to the include variable name in the labels (#4816)
- The correlations dialog once again gives correlation values in upper half of the graph matrix output (#4815)
- Improvements on the Calculator dialog (additional logical buttons, better spacing around operators) (#4833)
- The define climatic data dialog now adds a key to the data as part of the defining process and hence requires that there are no duplicate dates (within a station). The dialog also now allows the user to do a basic check for duplicates. (#4725)
- Improved R code for Export to CPT dialog (#4824)
- The default receiver on many climatic dialog is now more sensible, usually the element receiver (#4765)
- Bug fixes in the rainfall QC dialog (#4660, #4742)
- Bug fixes in the temperature QC dialog (#4746)
- Further options added to the Climatic Boxplots dialog (#4668)
Merge pull request #4738 from lilyclements/Boxplot Minor boxplot edits
This release includes climatic components required for Malawi workshop.
This is the version released for Haiti workshop.
Merge pull request #4598 from bethanclarke/Shadrack_QCTemp Shadrack qc temp
Merge pull request #4571 from maxwellfundi/inst Inst
Merge pull request #4546 from dannyparsons/displaydaily Display daily bugs
Merge pull request #4370 from shadrackkibet/climdexindices Climdex indices
Merge pull request #4344 from maxwellfundi/syt1111111111 Syt1111111111