The Fastq Read ID converter is a tool to convert read IDs (fastq read headers). It converts read headers from MGI format to Illumina format (which is compatible with most pipelines).
The conversion process between MGI and Illumina read headers is summarized in the figure below:
The tool depends on
- Python >= 3.7
- pyfastx = 2.1.0
You may use the conda-env.yml file to create a conda environment with the dependencies by executing
conda env create -f conda-env.yml
from the cloned reposistory. Upon activating the created fastq_convert environment, you should be able to run the tool.
Fastq Read ID Converter accepts the following arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-i FASTQ_IN Path to the FASTQ file. REQUIRED
-o FASTQ_OUT Path to the output file. REQUIRED
-i5 I5, --i5-barcode I5 i5 barcode of the sample. REQUIRED
-i7 I7, --i7-barcode I7 i7 barcode of the sample. REQUIRED
-r RUN_ID, --run-id RUN_ID Run ID. REQUIRED
-x INSTRUMENT_ID, --instrument-id Instrument ID of the instrument used. REQUIRED
An example sequence of commands of how to execute read conversion for Single Read sequencing mode using the defaults for i5, i7, Run ID and Instrument ID:
python -i FASTQ_R1.fastq.gz -o FASTQ_converted_R1.fastq.gz -i5 TTTTTT -i7 AAAAAA -r MY_RUN_ID -x MY_INSTRUMENT_ID