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Lapis-LJA committed Mar 5, 2025
2 parents e97c5b3 + 0e64a9d commit 4abd385
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Showing 681 changed files with 6,875 additions and 1,753 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/settings.json
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"# 名前 (TextComponentString)",
" data modify storage asset:effect Name set value ",
"# 説明文 (TextComponentString[])",
" data modify storage asset:effect Description set value ",
" data modify storage asset:effect Description set value []",
"# 効果時間 (int) (default = API || error)",
" data modify storage asset:effect Duration set value ",
"# スタック (int) (default = API || 1)",
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# 候補リストの長さを取得
execute store result score $CandidatesLength Temporary if data storage lib: Array[]
# ターゲットの名前をランダムに決める
execute store result score $Argument.Index Lib run function lib:random/
execute store result score $Argument.Index Lib run random value 0..65535
scoreboard players operation $Argument.Index Lib %= $CandidatesLength Temporary
# 移動
function lib:array/move
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function asset:artifact/common/check_condition/auto
# 他にアイテム等確認する場合はここに書く

# 猫の場合死ぬ
# 現状だとCTがないので特に条件を考えずに実装している
execute if predicate player_manager:is_believe/nyaptov run function asset:artifact/0003.humanity/trigger/nyaptov

# CanUsedタグをチェックして3.main.mcfunctionを実行する
execute if entity @s[tag=CanUsed] run function asset:artifact/0003.humanity/trigger/3.main
execute if entity @s[tag=CanUsed] run function asset:artifact/0003.humanity/trigger/3.main
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#> asset:artifact/0003.humanity/trigger/nyaptov
# @within function asset:artifact/0003.humanity/trigger/2.check_condition

# 演出
title @a title {"text":"YOU DIED","color":"red"}
playsound block.beacon.power_select player @s ~ ~ ~ 1 0 1

# 致死量のダメージを受ける
data modify storage api: Argument.Damage set value 9999
data modify storage api: Argument.AttackType set value "Magic"
data modify storage api: Argument.FixedDamage set value true
data modify storage api: Argument.DeathMessage set value ['[{"translate": "%1$sは人間性を過剰に摂取した","with":[{"selector":"@s"}]}]']
function api:damage/modifier
function api:damage/
function api:damage/reset
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# 神器の名前 (TextComponentString)
data modify storage asset:artifact Name set value '{"text":"アメン・ラーの杖","color":"yellow"}'
# 神器の説明文 (TextComponentString[])
data modify storage asset:artifact Lore set value ['{"text":"異邦の神が扱う杖"}','{"text":"周囲のMobを発光させる。"}']
data modify storage asset:artifact Lore set value ['{"text":"異邦の神が扱う杖"}','{"text":"周囲のMobの位置に光る玉を顕現させる"}','{"text":"しゃがんで深く祈ることで"}','{"text":"効果時間は短くなるが、光玉が対象を追跡するようになる"}']
# 消費アイテム ({Item: TextComponent, Count: int, Extra?: TextComponent}) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Item set value
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Count set value
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Extra set value
# 使用回数 (int) (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact RemainingCount set value 100
# data modify storage asset:artifact RemainingCount set value
# 神器を発動できるスロット (string) Wikiを参照
data modify storage asset:artifact Slot set value "auto"
# 神器のトリガー (string) Wikiを参照
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# MP必要量 (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact MPRequire set value
# 神器のクールダウン (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact LocalCooldown set value
data modify storage asset:artifact LocalCooldown set value 200
# 種別クールダウン ({Type: string, Duration: int}) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact TypeCooldown.Type set value
# data modify storage asset:artifact TypeCooldown.Duration set value
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# ここから先は神器側の効果の処理を書く

# 発光を付与
effect give @e[type=#lib:living,type=!player,tag=!Uninterferable,distance=..10] minecraft:glowing 3 0 true

# パーティクル
execute at @e[type=#lib:living,type=!player,tag=!Uninterferable,distance=..10] run particle end_rod ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 0.1 100 force @a[distance=..30]

# SE
playsound minecraft:entity.arrow.hit_player player @s ~ ~ ~ 20 1
# 光玉を召喚
execute if predicate lib:is_sneaking as @e[type=#lib:living,type=!player,tag=!Uninterferable,distance=..15] at @s anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^ run function asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/summon_1
execute unless predicate lib:is_sneaking at @e[type=#lib:living,type=!player,tag=!Uninterferable,distance=..15] anchored eyes positioned ^ ^ ^ run function asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/summon_2
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#> asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/summon_1
# 神器のメイン処理部
# @within function asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/3.main

data modify storage api: Argument.ID set value 1103
data modify storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.Track set value true
execute store result storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.TargetID int 1 run scoreboard players get @s MobUUID
data modify storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.Duration set value 100
function api:object/summon
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#> asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/summon_2
# 神器のメイン処理部
# @within function asset:artifact/0022.amen_ra_rod/trigger/3.main

data modify storage api: Argument.ID set value 1103
# data modify storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.Track set value false
data modify storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.Duration set value 200
function api:object/summon
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# 神器の名前 (TextComponentString)
data modify storage asset:artifact Name set value '[{"text":"豊穣の鍬","color":"green"}]'
# 神器の説明文 (TextComponentString[])
data modify storage asset:artifact Lore set value ['[{"text":"周囲5mの範囲の作物を最大まで成長させる"}]']
data modify storage asset:artifact Lore set value ['[{"text":"使用者を中心とした9x9の範囲の作物を最大まで成長させる"}]']
# 消費アイテム ({Item: TextComponent, Count: int, Extra?: TextComponent}) (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Item set value '{"translate":"item.minecraft.bone_meal"}'
data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Count set value 8
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# 神器の発動条件 (TextComponentString) (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact Condition set value '{"text":"サバイバルのみで使用可能"}'
# 攻撃に関する情報 -Damage量 (literal[]/literal) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.Damage set value [0,0]
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.Damage set value [5-50]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃タイプ (string[]) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackType set value [Physical,Magic]
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackType set value [Physical]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃属性 (string[]) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.ElementType set value [Fire,Water,Thunder,None]
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.ElementType set value [Fire]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -防御無視 (boolean) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.BypassResist set value
# 攻撃に関する情報 -範囲攻撃 (string) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.IsRangeAttack set value
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.IsRangeAttack set value "every"
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃範囲 (literal) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackRange set value
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackRange set value 3
# MP消費量 (int)
data modify storage asset:artifact MPCost set value 70
# MP必要量 (int) (オプション)
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# 神器のメイン処理部
# @within function asset:artifact/0107.dispenser_canon/trigger/2.check_condition
#> private
# @private
#declare tag TNTStick

# 基本的な使用時の処理(MP消費や使用回数の処理など)を行う auto/feet/legs/chest/head/mainhand/offhandを記載してね
function asset:artifact/common/use/auto
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playsound minecraft:entity.tnt.primed player @a

# TNT召喚
summon endermite ~ ~1.5 ~ {Silent:1b,Team:"NoCollision",FallDistance:99f,DeathTime:15s,Tags:["TNTStick"],Passengers:[{id:"minecraft:tnt",fuse:40s}],active_effects:[{id:"invisibility",amplifier:1b,duration:2147483647}]}

# TNTを飛ばす
data modify storage lib: Argument.VectorMagnitude set value 2
execute as @e[type=endermite,tag=TNTStick,distance=..2] facing ^ ^ ^10 run function lib:motion/
data remove storage lib: Argument
# スケジュール
schedule function asset:artifact/0107.dispenser_canon/trigger/3.1.sticky 1t
data modify storage api: Argument.ID set value 1101
data modify storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.Damage set value 50
execute store result storage api: Argument.FieldOverride.UserID int 1 run scoreboard players get @s UserID
execute anchored eyes positioned ^ ^-0.2 ^ run function api:object/summon
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playsound neutral @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1.25

# ネコの種類をランダムに
execute store result score $Random Temporary run function lib:random/
scoreboard players operation $Random Temporary %= $11 Const
execute store result score $Random Temporary run random value 0..10
execute if score $Random Temporary matches 0 run data modify entity @e[type=cat,tag=AbstractCat,distance=..1,limit=1] variant set value "all_black"
execute if score $Random Temporary matches 1 run data modify entity @e[type=cat,tag=AbstractCat,distance=..1,limit=1] variant set value "black"
execute if score $Random Temporary matches 2 run data modify entity @e[type=cat,tag=AbstractCat,distance=..1,limit=1] variant set value "british_shorthair"
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# リセット
scoreboard players reset $Random Temporary
tag @e[type=cat,tag=AbstractCat,distance=..1,limit=1] remove AbstractCat
tag @e[type=cat,tag=AbstractCat,distance=..1,limit=1] remove AbstractCat
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# 演出
execute anchored eyes run particle dust 1 0.31 0.91 0.3 ^ ^ ^ 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 20 normal @s
# MP回復量を計算
execute store result score $Random Temporary run function lib:random/
scoreboard players operation $Random Temporary %= $6 Const
execute store result score $Random Temporary run random value 0..5
scoreboard players set $Fluctuation Temporary 30
execute store result storage api: Argument.Fluctuation int 1 run scoreboard players operation $Fluctuation Temporary -= $Random Temporary

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# 神器のID (int) スプレッドシートの値を入れる
data modify storage asset:artifact ID set value 201
# 神器のベースアイテム
data modify storage asset:artifact Item set value "minecraft:heart_of_the_sea"
data modify storage asset:artifact Item set value "minecraft:stick"
# 神器の名前 (TextComponentString)
data modify storage asset:artifact Name set value '{"text":"臆病者の魂","color":"dark_aqua"}'
# 神器の説明文 (TextComponentString[])
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#> private
# @private
#declare score_holder $70
#declare score_holder $DamageCoefficient
#declare score_holder $DA.OwnerID
#declare tag DA.Owner
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execute as @a if score @s UserID = $DA.OwnerID Temporary run tag @s add DA.Owner

# ダメージ係数計算(最大ダメージの30%~100%),計算結果: 係数[%]
execute store result score $DamageCoefficient Temporary run function lib:random/
scoreboard players operation $DamageCoefficient Temporary %= $70 Const
execute store result score $DamageCoefficient Temporary run random value 0..69
scoreboard players add $DamageCoefficient Temporary 30

# 敵へのダメージ(最大500)
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particle dust 1000000000 -0.3 -0.2 1 ~ ~1.2 ~ 0.8 0.4 0.8 0 50

# 乱数生成
execute store result score $Random Temporary run function lib:random/
scoreboard players operation $Random Temporary %= $3 Const
execute store result score $Random Temporary run random value 0..2

# playsound
execute if score $Random Temporary matches 0 run playsound player @a ~ ~ ~ 1 1 0
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#> asset:artifact/0294.turret/give/1.trigger
# 神器の取得処理の呼び出し時に実行されるfunction
# @within tag/function asset:artifact/give

execute if data storage asset:context {id:294} run function asset:artifact/0294.turret/give/2.give
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#> asset:artifact/0294.turret/give/2.give
# 神器の作成部 ここでID等を定義する
# @user
# @within function asset:artifact/0294.turret/give/1.trigger

# 神器の説明や消費MPなどをここで設定する。
# 最後にasset:artifact/common/giveを実行することで入手可能。

# 神器のID (int) スプレッドシートの値を入れる
data modify storage asset:artifact ID set value 294
# 神器のベースアイテム
data modify storage asset:artifact Item set value "minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick"
# 神器の名前 (TextComponentString)
data modify storage asset:artifact Name set value '{"text":"タレット","color":"gray"}'
# 神器の説明文 (TextComponentString[])
data modify storage asset:artifact Lore set value ['{"text":"配置すると自動的に周囲の敵を感知し攻撃する"}','{"text":"Hello?","color":"dark_gray"}']
# 消費アイテム ({Item: TextComponent, Count: int, Extra?: TextComponent}) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Item set value '{"translate":"item.minecraft.stick"}'
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Count set value 1
# data modify storage asset:artifact ConsumeItem.Extra set value
# 使用回数 (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact RemainingCount set value
# 神器を発動できるスロット (string) Wikiを参照
data modify storage asset:artifact Slot set value "auto"
# 神器のトリガー (string) Wikiを参照
data modify storage asset:artifact Trigger set value "onClick"
# 神器の発動条件 (TextComponentString) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact Condition set value
# 攻撃に関する情報 -Damage量 (literal[]/literal) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.Damage set value ["5.5"]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃タイプ (string[]) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackType set value [Physical]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃属性 (string[]) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.ElementType set value [None]
# 攻撃に関する情報 -防御無視 (boolean) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.BypassResist set value
# 攻撃に関する情報 -範囲攻撃 (string) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.IsRangeAttack set value never
# 攻撃に関する情報 -攻撃範囲 (literal) Wikiを参照 (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact AttackInfo.AttackRange set value 5
# MP消費量 (int)
data modify storage asset:artifact MPCost set value 100
# MP必要量 (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact MPRequire set value
# MP回復量 (int)
# data modify storage asset:artifact MPHealWhenHit set value
# 神器のクールダウン (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact LocalCooldown set value
# 種別クールダウン ({Type: string, Duration: int}) (オプション)
data modify storage asset:artifact TypeCooldown.Type set value "summon"
data modify storage asset:artifact TypeCooldown.Duration set value 150
# グローバルクールダウン (int) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact SpecialCooldown set value
# クールダウンによる使用不可のメッセージを非表示にするか否か (boolean) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact DisableCooldownMessage set value
# MP不足による使用不可のメッセージを非表示にするか否か (boolean) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact DisableMPMessage set value
# 破壊時の音を鳴らさないかどうか (boolean) (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact DisableBreakSound set value
# 扱える神 (string[]) Wikiを参照
data modify storage asset:artifact CanUsedGod set value "ALL"
# カスタムNBT (NBTCompound) 追加で指定したいNBT (オプション)
# data modify storage asset:artifact CustomNBT set value {}

# 神器の入手用function
function asset:artifact/common/give
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#> asset:artifact/0294.turret/register
# 神器プールへの登録処理
# @within tag/function asset:artifact/register

data modify storage asset:artifact RarityRegistry[2] append value [294]
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#> asset:artifact/0294.turret/trigger/1.trigger
# 指定したイベントタイミングで実行されるfunction
# @within tag/function asset:artifact/**

# storage asset:idのautoに装備している神器のIDが入っているので比較し、~/2.check_condition.mcfunctionを実行する
execute if data storage asset:context id{auto:294} run function asset:artifact/0294.turret/trigger/2.check_condition
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#> asset:artifact/0294.turret/trigger/2.check_condition
# 神器の発動条件をチェックします
# @within function asset:artifact/0294.turret/trigger/1.trigger

# 神器の基本的な条件の確認を行うfunction、成功している場合CanUsedタグが付く
function asset:artifact/common/check_condition/auto
# 他にアイテム等確認する場合はここに書く

# CanUsedタグをチェックして3.main.mcfunctionを実行する
execute if entity @s[tag=CanUsed] run function asset:artifact/0294.turret/trigger/3.main

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