Qraph is a tool for candlestick charting, with a few useful properties that other tools like Tradingview seem to lack:
+ Dynamic timeframe change
+ Changing timeframe maintains current chart position
+ Drawing tools stay at their timeframes and lower, and don't overshadow higher timeframes (unless explicitly forced to)
It is built on pyqtgraph, and so anything that can be done with pyqtgraph can be done with it.
Qraph is in alpha, so expect many issues.
git clone https://github.com/Quaddroo/qraph.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
Easy example:
python3 example.py
Usage example:
pa = OHLCPriceAction(df) # df has columns 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'time' (index)
q = Qraph()
It needs to be FAST. It needs to be EASY.
+ Automatic timeframe change
+ Basic drawing tools
+ Automatic drawing tool timeframe setting as most traders would want it
+ Saving drawings
+ Extremely basic chart live-updating
+ Log scale works on candles and provided drawing tools
Left mouse button + drag to pan
Right mouse button + drag to resize the screen
Right mouse button to bring up the pyqtgraph menu for log-scale settings and others
Right mouse button on a drawing handle to select it
Shift while drawing lines or parallels to constrain to horizontal drawing
Ctrl while drawing lines or parallels to pan (the line or the parallel)
s - start drawing parallels
t - start trading trendline
r - start drawing rr tool
delete - delete selected drawing
escape - exit selection
+ Startup needs to be FASTER
+ Sometimes some parts of the screen do not redraw until the screen is
panned (pyqtgraph issue?).
+ When forced to resample to a tiny timeframe on a high zoom-out, starts
lagging (need to simplify the drawing for this to work).
+ Auto-zoom to drawing feature does not work.
+ Log mode code is dirty, should fix pygtgraph code instead.
+ Pyqtgraph auto-culling does not work, so there is sub-optimal manual code
written for it.
+ The way to close pyqtgraph windows is weird, feels more like a crash.