実施タスクを公開しました. / Task names are published.
- 大会ウェブページ / Official page:
- @ホームリーグウェブページ / @Home league page:
- 競技期間 / Dates: 2025-05-02 - 2025-05-05
- 会場 / Location: 滋賀ダイハツアリーナ / Shiga Daihatsu Arena, Japan
Discord is the official communication platform for @Home League. There, information towards the participants or communication among teams will be conducted. Any future participant teams and/or members who are planning to join us in this competition are welcome to join the Discord server.
Discord参加リンク/ Join our Discord server
Rules are based on RoboCup 2024.
- Carry My Luggage
Receptionist- GPSR
- Open Challenge
- Kachaka Challenge (Extended Tidy Up)
- Poster
Rules are based on RoboCup 2025.
ルールや採点方法に変更が加えられる予定です. / Rules and scoring criteria will be modified.
- Storing Groceries
- Restaurant
- Storing Groceries
- Restaurant
- Receptionist
- Clean the Table
- Help Me Carry
Rules are based on RoboCup2024 World Championship @Home Playground rules as follows,
- Handyman
- Interactive Cleanup
- Human Navigation
- Tech. Sharing