Welcome to Chop Logic Components, a React components library packed with a variety of styled components and custom hooks that are easy to integrate into any React project.
Chop Logic is designed to speed up development by providing reusable, accessible, and highly customizable components. Whether you're building complex forms, creating dynamic layouts, or managing component logic with hooks, Chop Logic Components has the tools to make it easier.
To get started with Chop Logic, install it via npm or yarn:
npm install chop-logic-components
# or
yarn add chop-logic-components
Starts a local instance of Storybook for developing UI components. The Storybook interface will be available at http://localhost:6006.
npm start
Compiles the TypeScript code into JavaScript using the TypeScript compiler (tsc) and then builds the project using Vite.
npm run build
Builds the static version of the Storybook for deployment, outputting the files to the storybook-static directory. The --quiet flag suppresses the build logs.
npm run build:storybook
Runs the build script and then installs Husky hooks for managing Git hooks in the project.
npm run prepare
Runs Prettier to automatically format TypeScript files (.ts
and .tsx
) in the project. This
script will write changes directly to the files.
npm run format
Runs ESLint to analyze the code for potential errors and enforce coding standards.
npm run lint
Runs ESLint and automatically fixes issues where possible.
npm run lint:fix
Runs the TypeScript compiler (tsc) to perform type checking without generating output files. This script helps ensure that the code adheres to TypeScript's type safety.
npm run types
Runs unit tests using Vitest, a fast testing framework designed for Vite projects.
npm run test
Runs the tests in continuous integration (CI) mode with Vitest, providing a streamlined output suitable for automated environments.
npm run test:ci
Runs unit tests using Vitest and generates a code coverage report using the v8 generator.
npm run coverage
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for improvement, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Please check the Contribution guide for additional info.
- Fork the repository.
- Clone your fork.
- Create a new feature branch.
- Implement and test your changes.
- Submit a pull request!
Let's build better logic tools together! 🚀